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Nutrition Supplements

Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster


Aggressive Strength is the ultimate in natural testosterone enhancement!*

1 Unit = 90 capsules, a 4-6 week supply

  • $56.95 for 1 unit
  • $107.95 for 2 units
  • $135.95 for 3 units
  • $205.95 for 5 units – BEST DEAL (No Canada orders for this option) 

Aggressive Strength is the ultimate in natural testosterone enhancement!*

ASTB is back in stock! Make sure to order today! Demand is at an all-time high

Australian and New Zealand customers can order here or from my distributor


If you’re a man, chances are you need Aggressive Strength from Mike Mahler! I have had the pleasure of using Aggressive Strength on myself and my physical training clients over the last 8 weeks and the results have been amazing! We have seen a remarkable increase in strength, stamina, aerobic capacity, mood, recovery time between sets and between exercise sessions is way down, and much much more. It’s like being 18 all over again! We use it because so many people are in fact clinically low in testosterone and high in estrogen and it gives our clients a distinct edge. Aggressive Strength immediately counteracts this and restores hormone balance. The results are felt in days and it just gets better and better. One of our clients who is 110lbs overweight has lost 15lbs in 18 days while his ability to train harder and faster has gone through the roof. Our online customers have written in after just one week reporting very noticeable results. In the next few weeks, we will be integrating Aggressive Strength into our training programs full-time along with many other hormone optimization elements that Mike has provided. This is an absolute game-changer in so many ways! 

Nate Morrison
US Special Operations
CEO, Morrison Industries

Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster Information 


Aggressive Strength is by far the best natural testosterone booster on the market. Just take a look at the testimonials on this page and it will become overwhelmingly evident that you have hit the jackpot for the best possible option for increasing testosterone levels naturally. Unlike most other supplement companies, I actually wanted to make a product that works. This is why you don’t see any of the usual suspects of garbage ingredients such as Tribulus, horny goat weed, and fenugreek that have never worked to increase natural T production and never will.

No other natural testosterone booster has testimonials like the ones you will see below. Like you, I have wasted a lot of money buying supplements and that is why I am committed to making products that deliver and ASTB definitely delivers!

In addition, Aggressive Strength does more than just increase testosterone*. The ingredients in Aggressive Strength have been shown to support mood, prostate health, motivation, joint health, stress management, and optimal blood sugar levels*. Aggressive Strength is also an incredible pre-workout supplement and a must for all physical training enthusiasts. Whether you do CrossFit, kettlebell training, powerlifting, or endurance training, you will benefit from adding Aggressive Strength to your regimen today.

The ASTB Story

Growing up in the ’90s, the first supplement that we all had high hopes for improving the natural production of testosterone was the Bulgarian herb Tribulus Terrestris. Of course, it was marketed in a hyperbolic manner like everything else at the time in the 1990s a practice that continues to this day. One company said It was the secret of the high-performing Bulgarian Weightlifting Team. Anytime a supplement is marketed as a secret of any group or team, or something that was used in ancient times to increase vitality and virility, avoid it like the roulette tables on the Vegas strip. Tribulus came in a packet that looked like actual medicine including each tablet being in a blister pack. This provided the illusion of being a serious product with potent effects. Of course, Tribulus didn’t work. It didn’t work then, it doesn’t work now, and won’t work a hundred years from now. I don’t care what level of saponins it has or what the protodioscin level is. It flat-out doesn’t work. It may have benefits in other areas such as reducing high blood pressure and supporting kidney health but it definitely doesn’t work for increasing testosterone.

Some take Tribulus and experience an increase in libido and assume that it must be working to increase testosterone as a result. The increase in libido is either a placebo effect or some other mechanism such as possibly improving kidney health, as it’s definitely not from an increase in testosterone. Also, for the most part, increasing libido generally involves more than just increasing testosterone but that is a story for another time. There are a few herbs that can increase libido such as maca and yohimbe but neither has an impact on improving testosterone levels.

Most don’t get before and after blood work to determine the effectiveness and just go by how they feel. Something many supplement companies are well aware of and take full advantage of. Fortunately, many of my customers are just as enthusiastic about hormone optimization as I am and get blood work done regularly which is why, unlike other companies that sell testosterone boosters, I have numerous testimonials from ASTB customers revealing clearly the big increases in total and free testosterone they experienced (Scroll to the bottom to see some ASTB testimonials).

Over the years I have tried many supplements to increase testosterone such as Tongkat Ali, fenugreek, and D Aspartic acid, and none of them were effective. The first herb I ever tried that resulted in a large increase in testosterone was the cornerstone ingredient in ASTB the one and only Bulbine Natalensis. I learned about this South African herb from my friend Anthony Roberts (Not to be confused with Anthony Robbins!) in 2010. Anthony has written books about steroids and is extremely well-researched in ergogenic aids natural and unnatural. Anthony learned about Bulbine from our mutual friend Carl Lanore the host of the best fitness podcast, Super Human Radio. Carl had a doctor on his show that revealed that Bulbine increased testosterone in rats by 347%. Personally I don’t care about what works in animal studies. I am against animal studies morally and they have little carryover in what works for people or what is safe for people to take. However, Anthony had used Bulbine himself and had lab work to show it definitely increased his own production of testosterone without any negative impact on health parameters such as lipids, liver enzymes, and kidney markers. The rat studies showed that Bulbine at the highest dosage of 100mg/kg had a negative impact on liver and kidney health. Of course, 100mg/kg is a very high dosage and no one is taking anywhere near that amount. Rather 400 mg to 800 mg is the range that works well for most men. I personally take around 650 mg and I have been using ASTB for ten years (8-12 weeks on 4 weeks off) and my liver and kidney markers are always in the normal range. It definitely hasn’t had a negative impact on my cholesterol either as my total cholesterol on my most recent blood test was 133mg/dl with an HDL of 55 mg/dl and LDL of 66 mg/dl. Total testosterone was 733 ng/dl and the more important free testosterone was 105.7 pg/ml. 

As effective as Bulbine Natalensis is on its own, in my opinion, there is synergy with using it with Mucuna Pruriens and Stinging nettle root. Mucuna is an incredible herb that ramps up dopamine which is just as important as testosterone for improving sex drive as well as motivation in general. Mucuna is why many ASTB users feel the effects on the very first dose. Not everyone of course, but many experience the increase in dopamine before the increase in testosterone from Bulbine which generally takes a few weeks. Mucuna is also a pro-testosterone herb and like Bulbine increases luteinizing hormone which the brain sends to the testes to ramp up testosterone production. Mucuna has also been shown to support insulin sensitivity and growth hormone levels. Stinging nettle root doesn’t increase total testosterone like Bulbine and Mucuna, but helps unshackle the more important free testosterone from the sex hormone binding globulin. Remember, free testosterone is the number that matters the most as it is what you have access to. This doesn’t mean total testosterone is worthless, something my friend and hormone optimization expert, Dr. Mark Gordon professes. Generally, only 2% of your total testosterone is going to end up as free testosterone so the higher your total testosterone the higher the 2% number can be for free testosterone. 2% of a total testosterone of 300 ng/dl obviously is not as high as 2% of a total testosterone of 800ng/dl. Some men only have access to 1% or less of total testosterone for a variety of reasons and will need an even higher level of total testosterone to in turn increase free testosterone unless they use stinging nettle root which can help unbind free testosterone and make it more bioavailable.

One thing you will not see with how I market ASTB is any hyperbolic over-the-top marketing. I am not going to promise that you will experience rock-hard erections like when you were a teenager or that you will put on 20 lbs of muscle in a month. No ASTB is not going to make you feel like an ancient warrior ready to conquer the world and take charge of every facet of your life. No supplement works that well (Even TRT doesn’t work that well!). The men who acquire the best results with ASTB are the ones who are already practicing a lifestyle dedicated to health and fitness. Effective supplements are meant to do just that supplement, not make up for an unhealthy lifestyle. If you enjoy drinking alcohol every day which increases estrogen and lowers testosterone, sleep four hours a night, abuse stimulants such as caffeine which increases cortisol and lowers testosterone, sit on the sofa all night watching Netflix, and consume an unhealthy diet don’t expect any supplement including ASTB to be beneficial.

The bottom line, is I don’t need to hype up ASTB or insult your intelligence or attempt to feed on your insecurities to get you to make a purchase. I know it works and so do most of my customers as it only has a 2% non-responder rate calculated on the number of refund requests I get. The actual account of refund requests I get is actually lower than 2% but I present it higher to take into account people who don’t bother asking for a refund and simply never purchase it again.

I only recommend and certainly only sell things that have worked well for me. Whether it is training advice, nutrition advice, business advice, or effective supplements if it fails to work for me I move on. Unlike owners of many supplement companies, I actually am dedicated to a health and fitness lifestyle and have the results to back that up. Anyone who follows me on Instagram knows I still train like a savage and I am in better shape now at nearly 50 than I was when I was in my 30s and began learning about hormone optimization. Unlike the “Liver King”, I am not claiming to be natural while simultaneously taking TRT and Growth Hormone. I am open about whatever I am using or have used such as SARMs, Peptides, and Clomid.

I don’t believe for a second that I need to lie to you to sell you anything. Sure I enjoy making a great income just like anyone else would, but I sleep with a clear conscious every night knowing that I am not selling overhyped ineffectual products that don’t deliver. In addition, I provide a ton of effective information for free on hormone optimization, training, nutrition, supplements, and restoration to ensure you have access to the best info to help you get the most out of ASTB and my other supplements. Also, when you buy ASTB you have access to me the guy who designed the product and is extremely well-versed in all things hormone optimization to answer your questions by email. How many other supplement companies can say that? If you don’t get the results you desire with ASTB the refund process is easy. You don’t have to call a customer service line and explain to someone over the phone why you want a refund. You don’t have to wait 90 days for the refund to be processed like I did when I canceled my DirectTV account many years ago.

I detest companies who insult my intelligence and try to place me in a fear-based mindset to initiate action. I also hate when salespeople use my name too much but I digress. If you don’t think ASTB or any other product I sell is a fit for you, no big deal, enjoy the free information I deliver, and all the best to you. I want the best for my visitors and customers and I have even had people inquire about ASTB and upon reviewing their blood work I let them know it is not likely to work for them. How many companies do that? If you have high luteinizing hormone but still have low testosterone then no natural testosterone-boosting option including ASTB is likely to work. I am not going to lie to you just to make a sale. There is a reason why I have been in the fitness industry for over twenty years and why my supplement company is successful. It’s not from spraying the money hose on marketing and advertising, it is from designing products that work, explaining the benefits in a clear straightforward manner, showing actual concern for my customers, and wanting the best for them. My philosophy is to make great products that work and offer tons of free content to establish value. This in my experience leads to tons of repeat business as well as referrals. You can’t buy a great reputation, you have to earn it over many years. There are no shortcuts, just ask anyone who tried and ended up on an episode of American Greed.

Detailed ASTB Ingredients Information

Bulbine Natalensis

The cornerstone ingredient of Aggressive Strength is the one and only Bulbine Natalensis. Unlike hyped supplements such as Tribulus, which don’t do jack to increase testosterone, the South African herb Bulbine Natalensis works and has been shown in studies to increase testosterone by a whopping 347% and crush estrogen by 35%*. This is exactly what you want in an all-natural testosterone booster. Now keep in mind these were rat studies which I don’t give much weight to. However, fortunately enough human feedback on Bulbine has shown it works very well. Check out the customer testimonials for Aggressive Strength for some incredible support.

What you do not want is to increase testosterone and have the majority of it convert into estrogen via aromatase enzymes. Estrogen dominance is a big problem right now (the popularity of reality TV is overwhelming proof!) and any steps to increase testosterone should be balanced with controlling excess estrogen for maximum benefit. At the same time, you don’t want to drive estrogen too low, as it is a surefire way to crush libido, function, and mood. The key is balance and an optimal ratio of testosterone to estrogen, which is what Aggressive Strength helps provide*!

Now when it comes to Bulbine, it is critical that you use the right extract. The highest-quality extract on the market is known as ProLensis™. If it is not ProLensis you are wasting your money and time. ProLensis™ is the same extract of bulbine that was used in the studies that proved its efficacy. In addition to the importance of utilizing ProLensis™, it is also critical to have the right dose. More is not better with Bulbine Natalensis and too much can lower testosterone! This is why I consulted with two top supplement designers to ensure that I have the right dosage of not only Bulbine but also all the other ingredients in Aggressive Strength.

How ProLensis™Bulbine Natalensis works

ProLensis™ is a multi-faceted compound in all of the ways it exerts its positive effects on the hormonal balance of the body.

In regards to testosterone, ProLensis™ increases GnRH-LH signaling and also increases cholesterol in the testes. These distinct processes are important for testosterone synthesis. GnRH, or Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone, is released from the hypothalamus in the brain. In turn, this stimulates the release of LH, or Luteinizing Hormone, from the pituitary. LH is the hormone that directly stimulates cells (called Leydig Cells) in the testes to release testosterone. Evidence shows that ProLensis™ can stimulate LH 169% compared to study controls.*

By enhancing GnRH-LH signaling, ProLensis™ amplifies the process by which testosterone is stimulated, akin to turning up the volume on a stereo.

In cooperation with this, ProLensis™ also elevates levels of testicular cholesterol. Cholesterol is the equivalent of raw material in the testes’ job of creating testosterone. The cholesterol is taken up into the mitochondria of the testes where it is processed into pregnenolone. From this stage, it is converted into sex steroids and glucocorticoids. Due to cholesterol’s status as raw material, its uptake into the testes is the rate-limiting step in sex steroid synthesis. This manifests in a marked increase in testosterone of 347%, as shown in research.

In other words, testosterone creation can only be enhanced if testicular cholesterol levels are elevated. In doing this, ProLensis™ increases testosterone output.

ProLensis™ is also a powerful aphrodisiac that contains phytochemicals that drive the machinery involved in sperm production and sex drive.*

In addition to the effects on blood flow to sexual organs that the alkaloid phytochemicals exert, researchers have hypothesized that other constituents of ProLensis™ may act directly on the central nervous system, modulating the action of neurotransmitters. Unbeknown to some, neurotransmitters such as serotonin play a very large role in the complicated science of sex drive.

By influencing neurotransmitters, the bioactive agents present in ProLensis™ further augment the aphrodisiac effect of the extract.*

The investigation into ProLensis™ has also demonstrated a marked decrease in estrogen levels. This decrease is as much as 35% in comparison to study controls. While the researchers do not speculate why this may be the case, they do speculate that this reduction in estrogen may be partly responsible for the increased testosterone.*

In summary, ProLensis™ exerts several favorable effects on the hormonal milieu, documented in the table below.

Hormones % Change
Testosterone (serum) ↑ 347%
Luteinizing Hormone (serum) ↑ 169%
Estrogen ↓ 35%
Prolactin (serum) ↔ No change

Ready to buy? Click here to order now

Stinging Nettle Root 

Aggressive Strength also has a highly concentrated extract of stinging nettle root. I learned about the benefits of Stinging Nettle Root several years ago from Dr. Jonathan Wright at an anti-aging conference.

Stinging Nettle Root supports free levels of testosterone and the much stronger DHT (dihydrotestosterone) as well*. It also helps combat hair loss as well as hair re-growth as it has high levels of silica and sulfur.*

Stinging Nettle Root has also been shown to support prostate health by lowering overall inflammation and in particular inflammation of the prostate. The anti-inflammatory properties also support joint health and workout recovery. Stinging nettle root helps block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, which also supports prostate health as excess levels of estrogen can cause prostate inflammation*. Similar to Bulbine, Stinging Nettle Root is an excellent stand-alone product for supporting testosterone. Yet, when combined with Bulbine you have an extremely powerful duo.

Mucuna Pruriens

The third ingredient in Aggressive Strength is Mucuna Pruriens. Mucuna Pruriens is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used for centuries to increase libido, and energy, optimize blood sugar and mood support, and is well known for its powers as an adaptogen*. Mucuna has been shown to increase the neurotransmitter dopamine, which is very important for optimal brain health. Optimal hormone production starts with brain health and optimal levels of dopamine are critical for brain health*.

Dopamine is a powerhouse neurotransmitter that provides the boost you need to get out of bed in the morning and take charge of your day. It also plays a big role in sex drive and sexual function. Dopamine controls the sex hormone control center of the brain. Dopamine is also a powerful growth hormone booster and reduces levels of prolactin. Prolactin is a nasty hormone that lowers testosterone levels in men. According to anti-aging expert Dr. Eric Braverman, dopamine is intimately connected to addictive behavior. People with low dopamine levels are often addicted to sources of quick pleasure and easily succumb to addictions. Optimal dopamine levels support energy, mood, drive, and living a fuller life. Adding a high-quality supplement such as Mucuna helps support optimal dopamine levels and is a powerful addition to Aggressive Strength.

By increasing dopamine, mucuna supports growth hormone production and reduces prolactin. Mucuna also supports testosterone production by increasing levels of the messenger hormones: Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). These messenger hormones signal the natural production of testosterone in men. Mucuna has also been shown to lower high cortisol levels, support healthy blood sugar levels, and increase energy. Mucuna is an all-around great supplement that I have been using on and off for many years. It is a fantastic addition!

  • Mucuna is a natural source of L-dopa (levodopa) and in turn, increases dopamine levels in the brain to improve focus and motivation.*
  • Has adaptogenic properties and in turn, lowers stress and anxiety*
  • Increases libido big time*
  • Improves mood and well-being*
  • Improves deep sleep and increases growth hormone levels.*
  • Supports optimal blood sugar levels*
  • Enhances digestion and elimination*
  • Is a natural stimulant-free energy booster*

What happens, when you take a supplement with the right amounts of Bulbine Natalensis, Stinging Nettle Root, and Mucuna Pruriens? You ramp up free and total testosterone, reduce estrogen and prolactin, and support dopamine and growth hormone.* Optimal levels of testosterone and dopamine play a pivotal role in well-being, mood, motivation, libido, muscle growth, bone health, and heart health. Keeping estrogen in check is vital to get the full benefits of testosterone and also reduce stubborn fat in the pecs, midsection, and lower body.*

Ready to buy? Click here to order now

What people are saying about Aggressive Strength 

I can’t say enough about ASTB.  The product really works.  I’m so thankful It saved me from doing TRT.   I was way down the TRT path and almost ready to move forward when I read about Mike and ASTB in Jay Campbell’s TRT Bible.  I increased my Total T from 583 to 826, and my free T from 45 to 114 using Quest Diagnostics bloodwork. Testing was 10 days after the completion of one 4-month cycle of ASTB.  I’m 48 years old and I feel like I’m 35 again.  Workouts are reinvigorated, full day energy, feel like myself again.   I’m almost complete with my second 4 month cycle and I expect the blood work will be even better given how I feel.  Highly recommend this product.  If you’re on the fence go for it.  Give yourself the chance to avoid TRT.  Thanks again, Mike.  Really appreciate the work you’re doing.  Changed my life!  


Straight to the point: ASTB WORKS.  I just turned 42 years old, 280lbs, 5’11.  My testosterone has been between 350 and 490 for the last 10 years.  The only time it was high was when I was taking high dosages of Vitamin D3.  If I backed off the Vit D3, the testosterone would drop.  After speaking with a friend, I ordered ASTB.  I took 2 capsules in the AM and 1 in the afternoon.  I will be honest, there were some days where I missed the afternoon dosage.  I would make up for it the next day by taking 2 capsules in the AM and 2 in the afternoon.  Per my weight, 4 capsules would be the recommended dose.  In March my total testosterone tested at 358 ng/dl, Free Test at 59.4 pg/ml, and a bonus marker Sex Hormone Binding Globulin at 27.3.  After 12 weeks of using ASTB, the Total test is now 665 ng/dl, the Free Test 154 pg/ml, and SHBG  31.9.  My sleep has improved ( I am notoriously a poor sleeper ), and my strength and recuperation feel like it has increased.  I detail cars as a hobby/side gig and working in hot humid garages for 6-8 hours is not easy.  I have felt better the morning after this last month than in years passed.  I look forward to another round of ASTB real soon. 

–Gavin Morales

I had my T tested on July 11 of this year. My total testosterone was 532 and free was 90. I took two capsules of ASTB for a month and had it retested. Total testosterone went up to 862 and free went up to 150. Good stuff! 

–Matt Rawley 

Just wanted to thank you for this product!  Four years ago, I had my testosterone levels checked.  My total T was 629, free T was 91.8  Not bad for a 49-year-old.  However, the levels started to go down over the years.  Total t got as low as 533 (I was 51 years old then).  I tried some testosterone boosters, but I didn’t see much improvement.  So, I decided to try out your product. After 12 weeks, I got my t levels checked.  Just got the results today.  Total t was 730, free t was 119!  I also noticed that I have seen noticeable improvement in strength training, and I feel a lot better mentally as well as physically.  Which is important as we get older (I will turn 54 in a couple of months). Thanks again!
–Craig M

I had been struggling for many years with both sleep, energy, and my muscle composition. I went to my doctor and told him I thought I had low T especially since I am over 50. He was very resistant to sending me for blood work however after putting my foot down he did. The results came back with a  Testosterone level of 180. Boy was I right. He wanted to put me on test injections however I was very skeptical, especially after reading that once you are on them you are locked in for life, and coming off injections can be very harmful. I did my research, read a few books, and came across Mike’s product, so I took a chance and ordered it with a little skepticism. After 8 weeks I retested my blood and the results came with a level of 620. My doctor said there was no way that could be possible he thought he gave me a script for injections and that I was taking them. When I told him he never wrote a script and I went out on my own to figure out a better solution he said he and a group of his fellow doctors were going to look into the ingredients of this product which I of course told him what I was taking and said to retake my blood in 4 more weeks. I did that and the results came back almost the same. He realized this stuff worked and said to stay on it and don’t do injections since it was working. I have been off the product for 3 weeks now and can’t wait to go back on after I take my 30 days off to begin my next cycle. This stuff is the real deal.

–Daniel R

I thought I would give you an update. I previously reached out to you about Clomid. I ran it for a couple of months and it gave me a high total testosterone 1100+ but my free was sitting at the low end of the range at 8, estradiol 43 and SHBG was 77 (out of control). I didn’t feel great – felt puffy and full of water. 

I’ve been taking ASTB for about 6 or 7 weeks (I wanted to give it longer but was leaving the US again and it was my last chance to get tested). Because of the short time span, I upped the dose of ASTB the last week before testing from 3 caps to 4 (at my own risk of course). I was also doing 2 caps of EC about a month ago.

Results: Total Testosterone is at 975, free 165 pg/ml (different measurement unit but huge increase), SHGB dropped to 52, and Estradiol down to 10 (no joint issues – some sleep but not sure if low E2 does that? I need to ease back to 1 tablet). Definitely less puffy and libido is significantly higher. A bunch of my other liver markers are actually better. I have historically had issues with BUN and Bilirubin (genetic). Both of these came down since my last blood test).

Feel free to use all or any of this that is relevant for a testimonial.

–Dan Bryan

ASTB is the real deal. My original test was 421ng/dl and my free test was 87 pg/ml. They increased to 638ng/dl and 121pg/ml. That is a 66% and 72% increase. This was a 3 month cycle with 1 month off and that is when I did the test. I feel better, less tired, more enjoyment at the gym, and just overall more satisfaction in daily life. I’m 29, having felt my test may be low, my doctor said it was normal and nothing to worry about… Much happier now with my levels. Thank you Mike

–Lachie Troup

After completing another cycle of ASTB I had my blood drawn by direct labs with the following results:

46-year-old male

Total test 1092 ng/dl
Free test  202 pg/ml  *flagged as high*
Dhea 386  mcg/dl

The maximum the lab has on its range is 155, I’m at 202.  I’ve seen increases before from ASTB but nothing like this before.  I think it’s great but Should I be concerned?  I seriously cannot believe my levels are this high I’m ecstatic!

Also, the twist DHEA cream had my levels in two months as you recommended from 232 to 386.  I’ll keep using until I get closer to 500 (per Dr. Mark Gordon) unless there is a reason to stop.  My skin looks improved and dryness is gone.

Officially been cycling the ASTB for over a year now, and I can’t see myself stopping.

Thanks for any feedback Mike I love your product it’s amazing how well it works!

–John Serotas 

At 39, I had been working on ways to boost my test for the last couple of years, since getting adrenal fatigue in 2017, and finding that a test booster from EVL aided my recovery. I hovered between 450-550, despite taking all the things I was supposed to: maca root, fenugreek, zinc, boron, vitamin D, and a host of 20 other pills. After doing tests, I found that the herbs just didn’t work. But I wasn’t ready to give up. Looking online, I found Mahler’s Aggressive Strength. Unlike other boosters, he actually had data to support the effectiveness of his product. So I ordered a 2-month supply and got another testosterone test. 551. After 2 months of using Aggressive Strength, it went up to 1180! Highly recommended.

–Josh Gubser

I went in to see a mutual acquaintance of yours and mine dr JJ pierce at Ageless forever cuz I felt like I might be lacking in the hormones due to the breakup with my woman. That was two weeks ago and got my results today. When I came in today to see Dr. Pierce I was shocked to find out that I didn’t need HRT. As it turns out my levels were off the charts and Dr. Pierce stated he’s never seen anything like these levels from someone not on testosterone from a person at my age (51). I told him the only sup I was taking was aggressive strength with EC and my regular daily vitamins. 

My testosterone level was at 1151, which is higher than my last test at 45 of 700. My levels of every male hormone were up including LH and DHEA and DHT. The only weak spot was my estradiol at 17. Dr. Pierce suggested I lay off the EC and DIM to allow that number to come up even though it was close to within the range I should be. I have 4 more weeks to go on this cycle of aggressive strength. Dr. Pierce suggested that a couple of weeks into my off cycle to come in and test again to compare the levels without aggressive strength.

I am extremely happy with what I’m seeing in my blood work, incredible actually. My training and attitude are really amazing on aggressive strength. I’ll drop you an email when I do the off-cycle blood work. Great stuff.

–Greg V

Mike, I just had to tell you how awesome this product is. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting it to do much (no offense intended).  My total test was 275 last time I had it checked.  I took one bottle of Aggressive Strength and had a blood test on the last day (day 45) and my total T was up to 879!  I would have been happy with 600.  Incredible. I feel good, and strong.  Thank you!

–Ian McLeish

I have been using ASTB and it’s amazing! My T levels went from 321 ng/dl to 619 ng/dl and free from 11 to 19,7. I feel great and free! 

–Jimmy Solano 

Recently tested testosterone and levels were outstanding: 912 ng/dl total and 29.2 pg/ml free (which the lab flagged as high!.  I am 57.  Kudos.
–Mark F 

Hey Mike, we spoke probably 6 to 8 months ago when I first ordered your testosterone booster. At the time of starting, my test level was around 220. After about 8 months on the product. I am at a 625 which is very impressive. I am going to continue taking your product and I wanted to thank you for your help with everything. I feel MUCH better in and out of the gym! Thanks again!

–Jeffrey Hermann

I just received my blood work after finishing the 8-week cycle of t-boost. Blood work before starting the 8-week cycle: Total testosterone was 715 ng/dL. The free test was 5.6 pg/mL After an 8-week cycle on Aggressive Strength Total T was 940 ng/dL….Free T was 33.3 pg/mL (it was flagged as being too high!) Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster is the REAL DEAL….I am a 59-year-old male…I was at the LLA Podcast kettlebell summit in Vegas this past Sept.

Thank you, Mike, for producing such QUALITY products !!!!”

–Raleigh Wood

Just sending you some feedback on your testosterone booster. I’m am 40, eat all plant-based,  My T levels were 619 before and a month into it 843 my e2 levels before were 42 and then 35. I could feel a huge difference in my workouts and sex drive.  Great job on putting this supplement together works great!

Thank you

–Kevin Brown

I just wanted everybody to know this, my testosterone level before I used Mike’s testosterone supplement was 350. I only did one eight weeks cycle and have not used it in three months. I got my testosterone checked the other day and I am at 620!! I can’t wait to do my next cycle of this. Let’s get it up to 1200?? Lol

–Poppa Pump Panezai 

Hey Mike, I just wanted to tell you that you were completely wrong! I finished my first 8-week cycle of your testosterone booster 2 weeks ago. I had my blood tested again in December and my T was down to 305. I started the first week of January on your booster. I got my results back yesterday and I am now up to 724! My Dr. accused me of getting injections from another Dr. he says he has never heard of anyone going up like that from a supplement. So awesome!

Anyway, I am thrilled to be back to my normal self. My workouts have never been better and let’s just say my fiance is quite happy. I am really hoping to make your seminar in Sept.

–Art O’Connor

I am 26 and had my testosterone levels checked a year ago during a really stressful period, it had gone down to the 400s! I used your test booster last year after getting those results back, really made a point to implement all of your testosterone tips (especially with lifestyle), and then used the EC estrogen control mostly recently. 

Got my bloodwork done 10 days after finishing a 30-day cycle, the test is in the 700s! Combined with the changes in lifestyle, and relationships, I think it will go even higher now.  And while I know that the booster isn’t an anabolic obviously, I will say I feel AMAZING while taking it. Really looking forward to utilizing it again

 —Alexander Cortes 

In the 6 weeks since starting with your sup, my Total T went to 746 and Free went to 108!!! Man, that’s epic…especially considering I started at 330 initially 6 months ago!!

Since being at 330 Total, I’ve come down from 268lbs to 228lbs. I feel super-athletic again and am pumped about flag football coming up in 2 weeks.

Here’s to not feeling like a “eunuch” anymore like you say – haha!

I’m also halfway through Live Life Aggressively and have to say it’s very entertaining and full of irrefutable truth…nice work!

Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication that continues to be invested in folks’ lives!

–R Crosley 

Hi Mike, I have finished my 1st bottle of Testosterone Booster (out of the 3, bought initially), which lasts ~8 weeks. I am very pleased with the results: I have increased my bench press from 3-4 reps with 100 kg to 10 reps!!  I am confident that I will reach soon my personal record – 2reps/150 kg

-A Lordache 

I’ve been waiting to get some lab results back before giving your Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster a testimonial…and the results are in!

I’ve taken three bottles of your ASTB and right away noticed a surge of feeling good as well as a kind of centered yet virile aggression for sex and life for lack of a better term.

I feel fantastic when I take your stuff and lab results confirm that my testosterone is indeed going up! (153 points!)

On top of that, your customer service/fulfillment is fantastic and you’ve always responded to my inquiries in a ridiculously timely manner.

All in all, you’re one of the few guys out there in this field who’s truly kicking ass and isn’t a moron so I hope as many people as possible support you so you can keep up the awesome fucking job!

–Nathan A 

 Frequently Asked Questions 


Are the ingredients in Aggressive Strength safe? 

While it is important to consult with your physician before taking any nutrition supplement, I am confident in the safety of all the ingredients when used in the manner recommended. Also, a recent human double-blind study confirms the safety of Bulbine Natalensis for short-term use: ProLensis™ safety study completed!  Click here for the study

A study done with rats indicated bulbine natalensis may damage the liver and kidneys. Should I be concerned? 

First, the dosages they used with the rats were much higher than what we recommend for people.

Next, animal studies have a poor correlation to what happens with humans. One example is chocolate can kill canines but is perfectly safe for humans.

This is why the rat study which shows an increase in testosterone of 347% should be kept in the right perspective which I state on this information page.

What is more important are the results actual people have gotten on Aggressive Strength and as you can see from the testimonials on this page, the feedback over the last six years has been stellar.

A human study showed the safety of Bulbine when used at the following dosage (650mg 200lb individuals) ) Human study on Bulbine Natalensis

Also, a recent study showed that Bulbine Natalensis may have anti-cancer properties*

Also, keep in mind Aggressive Strength has stinging nettle root which may have health benefits for the kidneys, prostate, and liver*. My estrogen blocker EC also has ingredients that have been shown to support kidney and liver health as well*. Many users take both ASTB and EC for maximum benefits in improving the all-important testosterone-to-estrogen ratio. Aggressive Strength-EC Combo

We have been selling ASTB for over 10 years (Mike has been using it for even longer) and many customers have gotten blood work and no one has reported any negative impact on kidney and liver enzymes such as AST, ALT, and creatinine. In fact, some users have even noted improved levels.

Any increase in testosterone can impact liver and kidney enzymes so it is possible that someone who gets a 300% increase in testosterone can have some negatives. However, the average user does not get a 300% increase in testosterone using Aggressive Strength. Based on the feedback from customers that use Aggressive Strength, I would say it is more along the lines of 50-150% for most users.

This is an important point as the negatives with rats could have come from the 347% increase in T which most human users don’t come close to.

Do you use Aggressive Strength?

Absolutely, I never sell any supplements I do not use personally and I certainly would not go through all of the trouble to have a supplement made under my label without knowing for sure, personally, that it is beneficial.

How much Aggressive Strength Should I use?

Below 180lbs: 2 caps per day

180-240lbs: 3 caps per day

240lbs+: 4 caps per day

How long will one bottle last? 

If you take 2 caps per day, one bottle will last 45 days. If 3 caps per day, one bottle will last 30 days.

What is the optimal way to use Aggressive Strength? 

If you are under 180lbs, I recommend you start off with 1 cap 2x per day such as morning and afternoon. If over 180 lbs, start with 3 caps per day (two caps in the morning and 1 in the late afternoon). Finally, if over 240lbs, take 2 caps 2x per day. More is not better. Give the product a few weeks to kick in.

ASTB works best when taken on an empty stomach. On training days one of the doses can be taken an hour before training to improve focus and performance.

The best way to use the ASTB is 12 weeks on and 4 weeks off to avoid becoming desensitized to the herbs in the formula.

Is Aggressive Strength beneficial for people who engage in intense physical training?

Absolutely, increasing testosterone, dopamine, and growth hormone are sure to benefit your workout regimen. In addition, lowering estrogen and cortisol will have a positive effect as well.*

Expect improved recovery time, more energy for training, and physique composition improvements. If you engage in intense physical training, make sure to use Aggressive Strength during arduous training phases. When cycling off Aggressive Strength dial back the intensity of training.*

Why was Sensoril Ashwagandha removed from ASTB?

Ashwagandha makes more sense to be in a nighttime relaxation product. It lowers cortisol and increases the relaxation neurotransmitter GABA which is good but an increase in GABA mitigates the pronounced dopamine-boosting benefits of Mucuna Pruriens which is a cornerstone ingredient in ASTB. Ashwagandha has some pro-testosterone benefits but is much weaker than the other 3 ingredients especially Bulbine Natalensis so it made more sense to increase the levels of the three cornerstone ingredients and drop Ashwagandha.

Why should I be concerned with low levels of testosterone?

The question alone is a sign that you have low levels of testosterone and have probably been estrogen-dominant for some time! In her excellent book Ageless, Suzanne Somers discusses the many negatives of depleted testosterone levels in men:

  •  Shrinking muscles
  •  Weight loss (muscle not fat)
  •  Decreased Stamina
  •  Weaker erections
  •  Fatigue
  •  Depression
  •  Irritability
  •  Gallbladder problems
  •  Enlarged breasts

The reality is every man should be concerned about keeping testosterone levels optimal as suffering from the above is no way to live! Testosterone plays a pivotal role in staying strong, muscular, and feeling your best. Men’s testosterone levels often peak around age 25 and then start dropping steadily after age 30; thus, every man should have his levels checked at age 25 as a marker of what his ideal levels are.

According to Dr. William Wong, by the time a man is in his fifties, he often has half the T levels that he had in his twenties and often has greater estrogen levels than his wife! Testosterone is also important for bone health, mental health, sexual health, and heart health. Without adequate levels of testosterone, you’ll feel like crap, look like crap, and have no sex drive.

One study I read online conveyed the importance of high testosterone levels concerning building muscle and strength: a study was done in which one group worked out and received testosterone replacement therapy; a second group worked out but didn’t receive testosterone replacement therapy, and finally, a third group received testosterone replacement therapy but didn’t work out. Guess which group had the best results? Obviously, the group that received testosterone replacement therapy and worked out achieved the best results. What’s interesting is the group that got testosterone replacement therapy and did not work out achieved better results than the group that worked out but didn’t get testosterone replacement therapy. The study clearly shows how important testosterone is for increasing strength and size.

You have written about the benefits of DHT, but I have read that Stinging Nettle Root blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Wouldn’t that make it counterproductive?

Stinging nettle root has been shown to block some conversion of testosterone into DHT in the prostate but not elsewhere.* Nettle root also unbinds DHT from SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) and makes it more readily available.* Anytime you increase testosterone you will increase DHT, as testosterone is a prohormone for DHT. All three ingredients in Aggressive Strength support testosterone and thus will in turn support DHT as well. My lab work after taking Bulbine and nettle root for several months showed high levels of free testosterone and DHT. *

How old should I be to use Aggressive Strength? 

You need to be a male that is at least 18 years old. Honestly, most healthy men 25 and below really don’t need a testosterone booster as you should be making plenty. Get your levels checked to determine if you need a natural boost in testosterone. Make sure to work with a doctor that can provide real feedback on the underlying causes of your low levels.

What else should I do to maximize the benefits of Aggressive Strength?

Make sure you have a good amount of healthy fat in your diet. Fat is crucial for brain health, skin health, and hormone health. Get at least 20% of your daily calories from healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocado, coconut butter, almond butter, etc. Magnesium and zinc are both important minerals for testosterone production so add my Recovery oil to your regimen as well.

How long should I use Aggressive Strength?

The ideal cycle is 12 weeks followed by a four-week break. This allows for a long enough time frame to derive maximum benefit from the increase in testosterone and improved testosterone-to-cortisol ratio.

Why do I need to take 4 weeks off for every 12 weeks of use? 

While the ingredients in Aggressive Strength have not been shown to shut down natural hormone production, one can become desensitized to herbs if taken for too long. By cycling 12 weeks on and then 4 weeks off you keep sensitivity to the ingredients for maximum benefit.

Is post-cycle support needed for this product? 

No, Aggressive Strength is not a hormone or steroid and does not shut down the natural production of testosterone. The ingredients in it have been shown to increase the natural production and utilization of testosterone.

How is the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster different than your EC-estrogen control supplement? 

Aggressive Strength is a potent testosterone booster with moderate estrogen control while EC is a potent estrogen control supplement which in turn will have a moderate effect on increasing testosterone in men. In addition, women can take EC to address estrogen dominance while Aggressive Strength is only for men. EC-Powerful estrogen control for men and women

Can I take the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster with EC

Yes, you can and should if you have high estrogen levels. If you’re overweight you can rest assured that your estrogen levels are likely very high. High estrogen levels impede fat loss so reducing estrogen will help accelerate fat loss. Otherwise, you can use EC in between cycles of Aggressive Strength or use a lower dosage of EC with Aggressive Strength cycles such as 1-2 caps per day. Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster EC-estrogen Control Combo

Is ASTB Gluten-free? 

Yes, all of my supplements are gluten-free as well as free of soy, dairy, animal by-products, and msg.

Is ASTB manufactured at a facility that practices cGMP?

Yes, cGMP refers to the Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations enforced by the FDA. CGMPs provide for systems that assure proper design, monitoring, and control of manufacturing processes and facilities. All of my supplements are made at such facilities.

Do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? 

Aggressive Strength has a 30-day money-back guarantee for first-time users.  Give it a shot for a month. If you’re not happy with the results, then shoot me an email and I will arrange a refund for the purchase price (shipping fee not included). If you order more than one bottle, then the remaining unopened bottles will need to be sent back for a refund on the entire order. For example, if you order three bottles and decide after using the first bottle that it is not a fit, then the remaining two unopened bottles will need to be returned for a full refund on the entire order.

How long does it take for delivery? 

All orders placed on Sunday to Thursday are shipped within twenty-four hours. USA orders are shipped by USPS priority mail and delivered on an average of five business days. Orders to Canada are delivered within 7-10 days on average. Orders sent to Europe and Australia generally take two weeks and orders sent to Asia take 3-4 weeks. Delays can result from customs taking longer to clear orders.

Does your company support any causes or charities?

Yes, I am a strong financial supporter of many charities including Project Child Save to help save kids from human trafficking, The Warrior Angels Foundation to help soldiers with PTSD due to traumatic brain injuries Voice For The Animals,  to help homeless animals, and animal rights legislation, and No Dogs Left Behind to help rescue animals from the horrific dog meat trade. When you support my company you indirectly support all of these fantastic organizations and many others.

What are the nutrition supplement facts?

Supplement Facts

Serving Size 1 Capsule Servings Per Container: 90

Ingredients Per Serving %DV 675mg

Stinging Nettle Extract (Urtica dioica)(root) 250mg

ProLensis™ (Bulbine Natalensis) 225mg

Mucuna Pruriens Extract (20% L-Dopa) 200mg

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Are there any studies on the Aggressive Strength ingredients? 


1. Androgenic activities of Bulbine natalensis stem in male Wistar rats. Yakubu MT, Afolayan AJ. Pharm Biol. 2010 May;48(5):56876.PMID: 20645801

2. Effect of aqueous extract of Bulbine natalensis (Baker) stem on the sexual behaviour of male rats.Yakubu MT, Afolayan AJ.Int J Androl. 2009 Dec;32(6):629-36. Epub 2008 Aug 15.PMID: 18710410 [PubMed – indexed for MEDLINE]

3. Schottner, M., G. Gansser, and D. Spiteller. “Lignans from the roots of Urtica dioica and their metabolites bind to human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).” Planta Med. 63 (1997): 529-32

4. Tripathi YB, Upadhyay AK. Effect of the alcohol extract of the seeds of Mucuna pruriens on free radicals and oxidative stress in albino rats. Phytother Res. 2002 Sep;16(6):534-8.

5. Sharma ML, Chandokhe N, Ghatak BJ, Jamwal KS, Gupta OP, Singh GB, Ali MM, Thakur RS, Handa KL, Rao PR, Jamwal PS, Sareen YK. Pharmacological screening of Indian medicinal plants. Indian J Exp Biol. 1978 Feb;16(2):228-40.

6. Rajeshwar Y, Kumar GPS, Gupta M, Mazumder UK. Studies on in vitro antioxidant activities of methanol extract of Mucuna pruriens (Fabaceae) seeds. Eur Bull Drug Res. 2005;13:31

7. Lignans bind to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) Schöttner, M., D. Gansser, and G. Spiteller. “Interaction of lignans with human sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).” Z Naturforsch C 52 (1997): 834-43. PubMe

8. Shukla KK, Mahdi AA, Ahmad MK, Shankhwar SN, Rajender S, Jaiswar SP. Mucuna pruriens improves male fertility by its action on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. Fertil Steril. 2009 Dec;92(6):1934-40.

9. Shukla KK, Mahdi AA, Ahmad MK, Jaiswar SP, Shankwar SN, Tiwari SC. Mucuna pruriens Reduces Stress and Improves the Quality of Semen in Infertile Men. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007 Dec 18.

10. Kumar KVA, Srinivasan KK, Shanbhag T, Rao SG. Aphrodisiac activity of the seeds of Mucuna pruriens. Indian Drug. 1994;31:321–7

11. Yamada T, Nakamura J, Murakami M, Okuno Y, Hosokawa S, Matsuo M, Yamada H. Effect of chronic L-dopa administration on serum luteinizing hormone levels in male rats. Toxicology. 1995 Mar 31;97(1-3):173-82.

12. Chihara K, Kashio Y, Kita T, Okimura Y, Kaji H, Abe H, Fujita T. L-dopa stimulates release of hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing hormone in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1986 Mar;62(3):466-73.

13. Boyd AE 3rd, Lebovitz HE, Pfeiffer JB. Stimulation of human-growth-hormone secretion by L-dopa. N Engl J Med. 1970 Dec 24;283(26):1425-9.

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

I promised I would check in with you.  My doctor ordered another blood test.  I have been taking ASTB for 5 weeks at that point. Free went from 14.1 to 23.4 and total went from 362 to 780.   This product really works.  Thank you, brother!

–Josh H

After completing another cycle of ASTB I had my blood drawn by direct labs with the following results:

46-year-old male

Total test 1092 ng/dl
Free test  202 pg/ml  *flagged as high*
Dhea 386  mcg/dl

The maximum the lab has on its range is 155, I’m at 202.  I’ve seen increases before from ASTB but nothing like this before.  I think it’s great but Should I be concerned?  I seriously cannot believe my levels are this high I’m ecstatic!

Also, the twist DHEA cream had my levels in two months as you recommended from 232 to 386.  I’ll keep using until I get closer to 500 (per Dr. Mark Gordon) unless there is reason to stop.  My skin looks improved and dryness is gone.

Officially been cycling the ASTB for over a year now, I can’t see myself stopping.

Thanks for any feedback Mike I love your product it’s amazing how well it works!

–John Serotas 

Hi, Mike, I want to give you an update on the lab values I promised. 

I am 67 y/o, 6’ tall, and 180#. In mid-February at my physical, my total T came in at 474 and free T at just 8—supposedly not bad for my age, but I felt that I was flagging a bit. 
I started ASTB in mid-March, one capsule twice per day as recommended for four weeks, then a two-week break, then another two weeks on to finish off the bottle. 
I waited two weeks and got retested yesterday. Total T came back 800, and free T at 16! After one bottle?! Wow. 
Both tests at the same time of day so no circadian rhythm explanation. No significant changes to my diet, exercise, or lifestyle in that interim. 
Subjectively, I feel great. More energy, better libido, better mood (although I still have some grumpy old man, “get off my lawn” moments. Maybe another bottle of ASTB will help).
My wife asks, “What’s gotten into you?” The answer, she knows, is ASTB!
Great formula, Mike. Thank you!
–Gary K

I went in to see a mutual acquaintance of yours and mine dr JJ pierce at Ageless forever cuz I felt like I might be lacking in the hormones due to the breakup with my woman. That was two weeks ago and got my results today. When I came in today to see Dr. Pierce I was shocked to find out that I didn’t need HRT. As it turns out my levels were off the charts and Dr. Pierce stated he’s never seen anything like these levels from someone not on testosterone from a person at my age (51). I told him the only sup I was taking was aggressive strength with EC and my regular daily vitamins. 

My testosterone level was at 1151, which is higher than my last test at 45 of 700. My levels of every male hormone were up including LH and DHEA and DHT. The only weak spot was my estradiol at 17. Dr. Pierce suggested I lay off the EC and DIM to allow that number to come up even though it was close to within the range I should be. I have 4 more weeks to go on this cycle of aggressive strength. Dr. Pierce suggested that a couple of weeks into my off cycle to come in and test again to compare the levels without aggressive strength.

I am extremely happy at what I’m seeing in my blood work, incredible actually. My training and attitude are really amazing on aggressive strength. I’ll drop you an email when I do the off-cycle blood work. Great stuff.

–Greg V

I thought you might like to know that my measured total testosterone went up 89% and the free testosterone increased 61%, after one month of using your product! 
Thank you for all your help. It’s much appreciated.
Recently tested testosterone and levels were outstanding: 912 ng/dl total and 29.2 pg/ml free (which the lab flagged as high!.  I am 57.  Kudos.
–Mark F 

I just had my blood test results back earlier this week. My creatinine went down to .92 from 1.05 a year earlier, eGFR was at 100, and my BUN was at 19. That’s actually an improvement and my liver enzymes were all within the normal range. My Total T levels rose from 425 to 606, and that was after a bad night’s sleep from playing tennis late the night before

–Nick Radonjic

After 8 weeks on the product, my test results came up over the range for testosterone as per below.
My Results:
Recommended Range per Medical Report:
Free Testo (cal)
1135 pmol/L
Range (150-620)
Testosterone (TO)
38.3 nmol/L
Range (10-32)
Oestradiol 47 pmol/L
Range (40-162)
I don’t have any health problems/medical conditions.  I’m just taking ATSB for general health (not an athlete).
By the way, the product works as I’m hitting numbers that I hit 10-12 years ago when I was in my peak strength w/out any change in training, diet, or bodyweight.
–Jaime Lao 

I have been using ASTB and it’s amazing! My T levels went from 321 ng/dl to 619 ng/dl and free from 11 to 19,7. I feel great and free!

–Jimmy Solano

Hey Mike, we spoke probably 6 to 8 months ago when I first ordered your testosterone booster. At the time of starting, my test level was around 220. After about 8 months on the product, I am at 625 which is very impressive. I am going to continue taking your product and I wanted to thank you for your help with everything. I feel MUCH better in and out of the gym! Thanks again!

–Jeffrey Hermann

Mike, I just had to tell you how awesome this product is. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting it to do much (no offense intended).  My total test was 275 the last time I had it checked.  I took one bottle of Aggressive Strength and had a blood test on the last day (day 45) and my total T was up to 879!  I would have been happy with 600.  Incredible. I feel good, strong.  Thank you!

–Ian McLeish

Just received my blood work after finishing an 8-week cycle of t-boost. Blood work before starting 8-week cycle: Total testosterone was 715 ng/dL. The free test was 5.6 pg/mL After an 8-week cycle on Aggressive Strength Total T was 940 ng/dL . Free T was 33.3 pg/mL (it was flagged as being too high!) Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster is the REAL DEAL! I am a 59-year-old male…I was at the LLA Podcast kettlebell summit in Vegas this past Sept.

Thank you, Mike, for producing such QUALITY products !!!!”

–Raleigh Wood

Just sending you some feedback on your testosterone booster. I’m am 40, eat all plant-based,  My T levels were 619 before and a month into it 843 my e2 levels before were 42 and then 35. I could feel a huge difference in my workouts and sex drive.  Great job on putting this supplement together works great!

Thank you

–Kevin Brown

One more thing, the last time I tried to get this it was on backorder. I went to GNC and I got on Nugenix. That was a terrible mistake it lowered my testosterone and was hurting my liver. Your testosterone raised my levels by 140 points without damaging anything else. That is a true story, I am a customer for life.

–Kiamaine Ferguson

Just wanted everybody to know this, my testosterone level before I used Mike’s testosterone supplement was 350. I only did one eight weeks cycle and have not used it in three months. I got my testosterone checked the other day and I am at 620!! I can’t wait to do my next cycle of this. Let’s get it up to 1200?? Lol

–Poppa Pump Panezai 

Hey Mike, I just wanted to tell you that you were completely wrong! I finished my first 8-week cycle of your testosterone booster 2 weeks ago. I had my blood tested again in December and my T was down to 305. I started the first week of January on your booster. I got my results back yesterday and I am now up to 724! My Dr. accused me of getting injections from another Dr. he says he has never heard of anyone going up like that from a supplement. So awesome!

Anyway, I am thrilled to be back to my normal self. My workouts have never been better and let’s just say my fiance is quite happy. I am really hoping to make your seminar in Sept.

–Art O’Connor

Thanks for the feedback and advice, Mike! I tried the test booster last spring when my doctor suggested using Androgel….no way! I drop down weight and upped my heavy iron workouts, and took Aggressive Strength which took my tested levels from 303 to 535. Good stuff!

-Ron Brown

My total t levels increased from 580 ng/dl to 647 and my free t levels went from 81pg/ml to 112. Incredible stuff especially for a 51-year-old – I did combine it with a new training program under the iron focussing on large compound movements. Love waking up locked and loaded every morning as well.

–Michael Starr

I am a 55-year-old man, who has been a competitive bike racer for 25 years.  I started AST about two years ago.  I recently had a Boston heart test; prior to the test, I cycled off AST for a few weeks.  Results:

Total Testosterone 846.0 

Free Testosterone 98.5

Estradiol <25

–Mark F 

Just finished the two-month cycle of the test booster today and I will be doing EC for the next 30 days until I start the next Test Booster cycle.

I didn’t get my levels tested before I started, but I’m 56 years old and I’m waking up with morning wood every morning now and I haven’t done that in about 25 years. That right there tells you something. I lost about 50 pounds during the last year but I have about 20 more to go and it’s hard as hell to get rid of it. It started coming off when I started doing the test booster and I’m sure that had something to do with it. Workouts are more aggressive and I have packed on a lot more muscle since taking this stuff. I’m really happy with it. Also, I switched to using two kettlebells now as you suggest and it does change the game. Results are much better using two kettlebells.

Anyway, as soon as I finish the 30 days of EC I will be reordering another 60-day cycle of Test Booster.

–Bill from Philadelphia

I am 26 and had my testosterone levels checked a year ago during a really stressful period, it had gone down to the 400s! I used your test booster last year after getting those results back, really made a point to implement all of your testosterone tips (especially with lifestyle), and then used the EC estrogen control mostly recently. 

Got my bloodwork done 10 days after finishing a 30-day cycle, the test is in the 700s! Combined with the changes in lifestyle, relationships, I think it will go even higher now.  And while I know that the booster isn’t an anabolic obviously, I will say I feel AMAZING while taking it. Really looking forward to utilizing it again

 —Alexander Cortes 

In the 6 weeks since starting with your sup, my Total T went to 746 and Free went to 108!!! Man, that’s epic…especially considering I started at 330 initially 6 months ago!!

Since being at 330 Total, I’ve come down from 268lbs to 228lbs. I feel super-athletic again and am pumped about flag football coming up in 2 weeks.

Here’s to not feeling like a “eunuch” anymore like you say – haha!

I’m also halfway thru Live Life Aggressively and have to say it’s very entertaining and full of irrefutable truth…nice work!

Thanks again for all your hard work and dedication that continues to be invested in folks’ lives!

–R Crosley 

In 2012 I decided I wanted to get some baseline blood work done so I could compare as well started to “mature”. Results were “poster child” like, as my practitioner said. All of a sudden it was 2016 and I figured I should test again for comparison just to make sure I was still poster-worthy. Turns out things changed a little, but most noteworthy was my “T”, testosterone! Yikes!!! I am 47, 6′-2″, 185lbs, and my T was 442. I train predominantly with kettlebells and am RKC. I was not feeling all the horrible effects that you may read about from having low T but did notice the lack of energy and enthusiasm in my morning workouts. Having followed Mike Mahler in his early kettlebells days, I was told to check out his hormone information, as he has become a prominent figure in the world of natural hormone optimization. I began taking his T booster, and after only 2 rounds of it, I went from a 442 to a 723.71. I am now on a great training program and racking the bells by 6 am with great energy and workouts!

If you are in your 40’s and are not watching your hormone levels, it is time to start! Especially your T gotta keep engines firing on all cylinders…..if you know what I mean!

–David Werschay

Hi Mike, I have finished my 1st bottle of Testosterone Booster (out of the 3, bought initially), which lasts ~8 weeks. I am very pleased with the results: I have increased my bench press from 3-4 reps with 100 kg to 10 reps!!  I am confident that I will reach soon my personal record – 2reps/150 kg

-A Lordache 

I’ve been waiting to get some lab results back before giving your Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster a testimonial…and the results are in!

I’ve taken three bottles of your ASTB and right away noticed a surge of feeling good as well as a kind of centered yet virile aggression for sex and life for lack of a better term.

I feel fantastic when I take your stuff and lab results confirm that my testosterone is indeed going up! (153 points!)

On top of that, your customer service/fulfillment is fantastic and you’ve always responded to my inquiries in a ridiculously timely manner.

All in all, you’re one of the few guys out there in this field who’s truly kicking ass and isn’t a moron so I hope as many people as possible support you so you can keep up the awesome fucking job!

–Nathan A 

Having been a fairly strong natural lifter in my youth (430lb bench press, 600lb squat) due to various problems and as the years have gone by my strength has decreased. A few years ago I was still able to BP 400lbs but that too declined to 355 despite trying various supplements and natural testosterone boosters. I had just about resigned myself to treading water at best for the rest of my training days. Then I discovered your site. Ok I have been taking Aggressive Strength for a little while now and am astonished at my progress, it seems endless, I am gaining something almost every week, either an extra rep or a few more lbs on everything. In about 2-3 weeks I am going to attempt 400lbs on the BP again, It is 6 years at the age of 52 when I last did that. I can actually see me hitting and maybe even surpassing the best I have ever done now. I have no personal experience of steroids so can’t compare Aggressive Strength to them but I can say for certainty, that for me, Aggressive Strength is the best product by a country mile for doing what it says on the tin. Mike, well done with your product.

–Allan Moore 

Since college, I have had issues with my Testosterone levels. I have tried other boosters and a number of supplements in the past and I have always experienced side effects and/or unexpected results. I am now 38 and have FINALLY found something that is making a difference. I just received the results from my 8-week blood draw and I am so relieved with the numbers. I was extremely low before I started taking ASTB and I have increased my total Testosterone from 180 to 420 and my Free T is now back into normal range as well. I can’t wait to see what the next 8-week round gets me too! Thank you so much, Mike, for offering such an outstanding product that, for me, has been life-altering!

–Jason Vincent 

THIS STUFF IS THE REAL DEAL! I am a 42-year old that has been training my whole adult life. Shortly into my 40’s, I noticed that as a whole my intensity was much lower than before. My workouts stagnated and my libido was way down. I tried other Testosterone boosters with no results at all.

As a big follower of Mike’s, and having some of his DVD and his book, and listening to his podcast I know he is no bullshit if he puts his name on something it’s gotta be good, so I finally made the plunge and bought his testosterone booster. In the first day or 2, I immediately noticed my focus and energy levels increase. I figured a placebo effect. By the end of the first week, I was always hungry, my weights were noticeably up in the gym, and my libido was up considerably.

Just finished my 3rd week, I am crushing it in the gym (hitting all sorts of PR’S), my overall enthusiasm and daily intensity are back, and my libido is through the roof! Pardon the vulgarity here, but my erections feel like a sledgehammer, and my wife jokes that she is with a teenager. I haven’t felt this good since my 20’s!! I don’t want to ever go back to the old me!

–Todd Smolen

If you’re a man, chances are you need Aggressive Strength from Mike Mahler! I have had the pleasure of using Aggressive Strength on myself and my physical training clients over the last 8 weeks and the results have been amazing! We have seen a remarkable increase in strength, stamina, aerobic capacity, mood, recovery time between sets and between exercise sessions is way down, and much much more. It’s like being 18 all over again! We use it because so many people are in fact clinically low in testosterone and high in estrogen and it gives our clients a distinct edge. Aggressive Strength immediately counteracts this and restores hormone balance. The results are felt in days and it just gets better and better. One of our clients who is 110lbs overweight has lost 15lbs in 18 days while his ability to train harder and faster has gone through the roof. Our online customers have written in after just one week reporting very noticeable results. In the next few weeks, we will be integrating Aggressive Strength into our training programs full time along with many other hormone optimization elements that Mike has provided. This is an absolute game-changer in so many ways! 

Nate Morrison
US Special Operations
CEO, Morrison Industries


I’m very careful with the whole testosterone booster thing. I thoroughly vet research and test any product I use before I put it into my body, and make sure that it not only does what it claims to do but is made by ethical folks who know their stuff. Aggressive Strength satisfies all those criteria. As an athlete, I’ve had to fight against low T, low luteinizing hormone, and low libido from heavy training, and Mike Mahler has managed to turn all that around for me. Every hard-charging guy needs a bottle of this stuff in his fridge, now. I highly recommend it.

–Ben Greenfield, author of Beyond Training: Mastering Endurance Health, & Life

I’ve just finished my first cycle of Testosterone Booster, coupled with Restorezyme & I have to say, I’ve had fantastic results.

I will be turning 45 in January & for the last 4-5 years, I have suffered from fatigue or just being too tired/lazy to do anything, even train. Since taking your products I’ve had the energy of a 20-year-old!!! On my days off from work, I now start the day with a 3-5 mile walk (listening to you & Sincere, gone through all your podcasts in less than 2 months!!!) & then do my kettlebell training in the early afternoon, where before I wouldn’t even get out of bed before midday & then be in a semi-comatose state for the rest of the day. My focus & attention has also greatly improved & I find myself completing so many tasks in one day I sometimes say to myself, slow down homeboy, or your gonna crash & burn, but so far that hasn’t happened.

I’m a huge fan of yours & your no-bullshit attitude to life & I just wanted to leave my feedback for you & also to say keep up the great work.

I’ve already placed my second order & have recommended your products to a lot of my friends & family, once again Mike, thank you, your products have been a game-changer for me.

–Narinder (Nins) Rai

Just wanted to drop a note of thanks. My doctor just called and read out the results of my annual physical compared against last year. My Testosterone climbed up 150 points! This is after 1 cycle of the pack I recently purchased from you. He suggested doing exactly what I have been doing. The other great thing is that my cholesterol count has decreased which alarmed him last year. Another year of the same course of improvement, using the intense training and dietary improvements should bring that down to normal. I must say, investing in your products and adopting the lifestyle choices that you advocate have paid me great dividends and I am grateful to you. Thanks!

–Mo Khan

Like many of your customers, I have tried many “test boost” products in the past. All of which have had much less than the desired results. I tried your product after reading through your website several times. I am pleased to report that you have a believer. I purchased a two-month supply and followed the dosage instructions. I began to see results in week #2 and had positive comments from my peers in week #4.

One of the most important things to me as I tried your product was the potential recovery benefits. I am 48 and deadlifting 425lbs. two times a week. Along with a good diet, I needed a good rest in order to rebuild. I experienced both rest and recovery while taking your product as well as muscle growth. I am not saying that you have some sort of a magic bullet, but your product combined with hard work is a successful combination.

–Paul Williams

This is my third order, During the last order, I was able to add 4 extra reps to my headstand pushup, 4 extra reps to chin-ups, and 30 more pounds on to my deadlifts. That is not an easy task at the young age of 50. Thanks for this quality product, you’re the man

–Dave McElroy 

I wanted to provide you a testimonial for Aggressive Strength because, well, it’s working for me.   

I’m a 59-year-old guy, eat reasonably well, cycle, practice yoga, and generally take good care of myself.  At this age, however, my energy levels are, quite obviously, not what they used to be.  I mentioned this to a friend who writes a health blog, GarmaOnHealth.  Joe Garma recommended I try your Product and, coming from him, I thought it worth a try.  And it has been worth the try.  I’ve changed nothing in my diet, except for the inclusion of Aggressive Strength.  For the 1-month + I’ve been using the Product I’ve felt a renewed sense of energy and focus. All without any artificial “caffeine-like” buzz.  Simply more energy.  

Bravo! on your Product.  And, thank you for replying personally to my several inquiries.  

All the best.

–Gary Gregory 

I am 62 years old and as most of you know that after the age of 30 a man’s testosterone levels start to decline. I am not into injections, gels, and that sort of thing and so I prefer testosterone boosters in pill form. I have tried Ageless Male, Test x180, Elite-Test 360, and HcGenerate. I could not even tell I was taking anything with the first three. The HcGenerate seemed OK but I noticed a feeling of dizziness after taking it and that did not go too well with me. After trying a bottle of Aggressive Strength I knew I would be placing a 2nd order. It gave me a sense of well-being and seemed to help me in other areas as well. Aggressive Strength with all-natural ingredients is my choice by far.

Mark Greenidge – Los Angeles

Very impressed with the results of the Aggressive Strength testosterone booster. Just starting the second 8-week cycle and without a blood test, there are definitely results going on, much-improved strength and endurance in the type of training I’m doing. I’m 45 and can see using this for quite some time. Thanks, Mike for the research you have done and raising awareness on hormone optimization, I have benefitted for sure. Also great customer service, Mike is a stand-up guy and very accessible.

–Greg Herman

I started my 3rd cycle of Aggressive strength 5 days ago.  I’m still amazed at how great this stuff works.  I’m energized and my mood is up.  I participated in the IKFF Worlds event back in November.  I did the 10-minute snatch set with a 20kg bell.  I lasted a little over 8 minutes with 144 reps.  Today I did a 7 minute set with the same weight and cranked out 147 reps.  I still had life in me to keep going.  Your supplements are definitely a factor in the progress I’m making.  I’m looking forward to trying out your new products when they come out.

–Bill Leber

I’m a science-minded person who tends to view things that may seem to be alternative or a bit fringe with a healthy dose of skepticism, so it was with this critical eye that I viewed your testosterone booster.

Once again, after a few days, my life was changed for the better, far better.  I don’t keep a training journal, so I don’t know if my lifts have improved much, but at this stage in my life I’m just happy to maintain, which I’m sure I have.  I think even for my age my sex life has been pretty good, but because of your testosterone booster, I never thought in my wildest dreams it could be this good.  I’m not going to go into details, but let’s say with my girlfriend I have been revisiting my days when I was tomcatting around in my twenties.  Just two capsules a day for a month and a half.  Incredible. I’ve taken two months off and now I’m quite eager to begin another month and a half cycle.

Congratulations, Mike, on a fabulous product equal or greater than your training advice I’ve been following for years now with results that have far exceeded anything I’ve experienced in more than 40 years of training.

–Steve Daniels 

When my doctor ordered some blood work for a general physical in January of 2013, I asked him to check my testosterone. It was low, and not wanting to start TRT, I was looking for a way to boost testosterone naturally. A few months later I ordered aggressive strength. Halfway into my second cycle of taking it, I ordered a hormone panel from life extension. I was pleased to see that my total went up by 127! 

–Dave Gunter 

You’re a freakin GENIUS!!! I’ve been taking the supplements for a few short weeks and wow what a change.  I feel much better in myself and have noticed improvements in gains and strength as a direct result.  I’d been thinking about using them for a while and now am wondering why it took me so long to give it a try!!  I’ve tried nearly every supplement on this planet and by a LONG margin this stuff is amazing and the real deal

This will be more than a ‘one off’ try, this will be an investment for the rest of my life.  Thanks so much!!

–Dr. Pavandeep Khaira BDS (University of London)

I’ve been using this for almost a year now, and I absolutely love it – Got my blood tests done last week, and my T levels are at ~720 (I’m 21), last year when I checked before using the product, it was around ~450


I tried Mike Mahler’s Aggressive Strength T Booster and I very quickly noticed that my workouts got longer and longer, and I just felt good about adding sets, reps, and exercises. I don’t use a scale, or really study the mirror, but I do work out every day and I could feel the quicker recovery and greater enthusiasm for heavy bells. I experiment with supplements all the time, and they nearly never do anything, so I was very pleasantly surprised at the definite and noticeable change. Thanks, Mike!”

–Sam Sheridan, Author of A Fighter’s MindThe Fighter’s Heart and The Disaster Diaries

Your T-Booster is awesome but should be named Kick-Ass Pills.  I am 40 and feeling the age gain on me.  I started with your pills about 1.5 weeks ago and felt the difference within 15 minutes.  All the confidence, gusto, passion for life has returned to 100%, I was living at 70% and then trying different supplements to get back to 100%.  I am a lifter, wrestler, golfer.  Your booster is by far and away from the best I have had, and believe me, I have tried a bunch.  TBomb II being the most recent, I didn’t even finish the bottle, it is still in my cabinet.  That being said, the strength gains are really starting to happen, and I am up to two pills a day.  Anyways, thank you again for the kick-ass pills.

–David Williams 

8 months ago my trainer introduced me to Mahler’s Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster. He had said how great he was feeling and how we it had worked for him. Having tried other products claiming to give the same results and being disappointed each time,  I was a little weary.  I decided to give it a try though and could not be happier that I did. To say it had exceeded my expectations is an understatement. I noticed a huge improvement in my stamina at the gym and how I was always in such a great mood. the products I had tried before had some negative effects where this stuff was just perfect. I am about to start my third cycle taking it and can’t wait. This will be something I will stand behind whenever anyone asks for recommendations. Do yourself a favor and give it a try. It’s nice to see a supplement with some time and care put into it in an industry full of disappointing products

.–James Forsythe 

Mike, Just dropping a line to tell you your Test Booster is the best I have ever used, I just won my masters 50+ class at a bodybuilding contest last weekend at the Las Vegas Sports Festival, and also prepping for the bigger show in four weeks “Jay Cutler Desert Classic 2014” in April.  I am so pleased with the way I feel on your booster. Usually, after a show I have a letdown, not this time.. endless energy and wife says thanks!

–Curtis Cachero

I have used the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster for two 8-week periods and I have to say, finally, a supplement that works. I have noticed great improvements in three main areas (in no particular order): 1) An increased feeling of well-being and better mood. Friends and family know me as a guy who can get pretty grumpy from time to time and just have bad days in general. I noticed a significant reduction of this while using this product and in general just felt good about everything. 2) Increased energy and strength. I show up for my training excited and ready to get after it, and my performance on both pure strength and endurance has improved. 3) An increase in insulin sensitivity which is resulting in body fat loss without obsessing over my diet. I have no blood tests/science to validate this but I can feel it. My body seems to “soak up” the food I eat and it seems as though more fuel is going toward muscle growth. Another reason I can tell my insulin sensitivity has increased is when I use AS I become much more sensitive to coffee/caffeine…and at times even get rebound hypoglycemia if I haven’t eaten – something I did not use to experience. This is an easily avoidable side effect but just proves the point! Overall I have been very satisfied with the product and I plan to continue using it for as long as it’s available. Thanks, Mike!

-Derek D.  

Mike, had to hit you up real quick. I took the Test Booster 15 minutes before my kettlebell class. The class is an hour and normally I’m dragging in the last 15 minutes. Tonight I felt like I could do the class all over again! Tons of energy. Went to from 28 kg to a 32 with presses, 5 sets 1-5, and used a 32kg bell for get-ups 1-3 on each side, normal weight is 24kg. Incredible! I’m going to take it that way every time now.

 –Kenny Watkins 

Hey Mike. I just wanted to tell you that I’ve tried several t boosters and yours was the only one that I actually felt a difference taking. In fact, I had to stop taking it because it made my sex drive too high – I couldn’t get any work done! Sounds kind of funny but it’s true. Thanks for putting out a quality product. I’m looking forward to trying it again when I have more free time’ on my hands haha

–Ted Ryce

2013 had been a big year for me in terms my first full year as an entrepreneur and also my first full season of Spartan Races, despite proud achievements in both fields by the end of the year I was washed out. The combination of my training regime and my work had taxed me to the limit, my cortisol was jacked up to the ceiling. I knew I was going to need to take time out to recover and get back on track but also knew from how I felt that my testosterone had taken a massive hit.

I had no sex drive, my energy levels were depleted, my concentration was non-existent, and I had no drive or ambition for anything. I knew I was going to have to take action to reverse this sorry state of affairs, as a 32-year-old man I was not ready to lay down and submit to being an old man yet!

As a big fan of Mike’s work with the LLA podcast and listening to his insightful information about hormone optimization and his passion for the subject, I decided that I would take the plunge and purchase Mahler’s Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster formula to help me get me back on track. Mike is a no BS kind of guy and I trusted that his product would deliver what I needed.

I was not disappointed! Within the first week of taking the product I straight away saw my concentration pull into sharp focus, I would put this down to how the active ingredients affect dopamine, either way, I went from having no ambition to being my most productive ever. I could sit down and work on my writing of articles and my eBook with laser-like intensity, I was more attentive to my clients and loved ones, and I didn’t feel like shit. What happened next blew me away.

As weeks went by on my first 8-week cycle of progressive strength I started to reap the benefits in other areas, my workouts got increasingly better as I started pulling off PB’s I didn’t know I had in me, my muscle mass increased as a bi-product and I feel as strong as an ox. I have also started the Obstacle race season off in dominant style and am ready to push my boundaries this year.

My sex drive and performance have gone through the roof (almost literally) and I have felt an increased verve that has given me the confidence to burn. I honestly can’t remember feeling like this since I was a teenager. It is like having a new lease of life, you can’t put a price on feeling this good inside and out – so buying yourself a cycle of Aggressive Strength is a no-brainer! I start my second cycle next week and I can’t wait. Great work, Mike! Thank you!

-Joe Brigham
Personal Trainer, OCR Athlete, Writer.

This stuff is pretty amazing. I really wasn’t expecting it to have such a big effect on me. Within just 4 or 5 days of taking it, I felt like a superhero. I was in a super good mood all the time and had a major increase in confidence. I had more energy for my workouts and felt like I was getting more out of them. I’ve gotten stronger, hitting a new 1-rep pr on deadlift at 415. And I’ve gained about 5 pounds, going from 176 to 181. This is the first time I’ve gotten to 180 in my life.

–Phil Letten 

Mike, I am knocking on the door of age 40 and currently work at a busy fire station in Las Vegas Nevada. The demands of the job and the erratic sleep patterns at work take a toll on the body. I tried your testosterone booster and I can honestly say that I felt an increase in energy levels, in addition to strength and stamina in the gym. I also experienced overall wellness mentally. I am a true believer in your products. Thank you for all your time and research in developing products that work.

–Mike Afanasiev

This is my third order and I certainly miss the positive mood and sense of well-being I have when supplementing with the aggressive strength test booster. As usual, your service is first class as it arrived just a few days after ordering. This is the only testosterone booster that works for me, period. Everything else I have tried over the years has been junk! I don’t have blood work done but I certainly notice the beneficial changes a day or two after starting. I am 43, vegan, and a Brazilian jiu-jitsu coach.

–Dave Massey 

Hi Mike, I have finished my 1st bottle of Testosterone Booster (out of the 3, bought initially), which lasts ~8 weeks. I am very pleased with the results: I have increased my bench press from 3-4 reps with 100 kg to 10 reps!!  I am confident that I will reach soon my personal record – 2reps/150 kg--Adrian Lordache 

Your testosterone booster is the best supplement that I’ve tried. I’m 40 years old and work as a wildland firefighter. In the last few years, I’ve been feeling it too. I primarily rely on KB and bodyweight training to stay in shape for my job. Since starting this supplement I’ve REALLY noticed a significant decrease in recovery time and have blown the doors off of my previous best times and numbers. Now, if they’ll stop this stupid damn govt. shutdown and let me get back to work I’ll order some more from you. 

Thanks for giving this beat-up firefighter a boost.

 –David Sigafoose

This is a reorder of the test booster – the first time I used it – I found I was able to do four things at once – increase my KB weight, increase my muscle mass, and decrease my body weight and fat percentage.  I’m 46.  That was a first for me.  The spray also helps – I have ordered that before as well – with virtually no muscle soreness – I was able to push my daily workload to new levels. And I did notice I slept better as well.

I am very happy with your products – thanks a lot for putting them out for everyone to utilize.

–Joe Viz, Bjj, and Judo Black belt – Xfit and KB fan

For someone who has tried their share of herbs, formulas, supplements, etc. absolutely nothing compares to Aggressive Strength! 

I feel it within a half-hour of taking it. I’d like to describe it as a wave of confidence and energy. 

When I take Aggressive Strength before a workout I feel outstanding at the gym. Explosive! My workouts aren’t the only thing that is explosive. 

When I take Aggressive Strength for a few consecutive days my sex drive and libido go through the roof. My girlfriend can’t get enough as I am even larger. No joke! 

I’m 240 pounds and one pill is enough to feel an effect for an entire day. The shit is strong. 

–Jeffrey Quiros 

In a little over a month I have been able to lose 16 pounds (am down to 170 lbs, and the weight loss is not from starving myself, I eat what I used to eat, and I find that I can withstand food cravings and stop snacking a lot better). I am feeling happier and more self-confident. It gives me a more natural (holistic) sense of my masculinity that I hadn’t had before. I no longer have hot flashes, sweating, and flushing. I have enough energy to do more physically demanding work.  

Your testosterone booster has helped me immensely to get back to health physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is nothing short of remarkable (more like miraculous) considering I wasn’t able to begin any exercise regime. The only anxiety I have is to be off it for 4 weeks.

Thank you for developing such a life-changing and life-balancing product!


Just wanted to drop you a quick email to tell you about my experience with your Aggressive Strength Test Booster.

I ran it for 8 weeks as per your advice.

My weight has increased slightly from 153 to 157 while getting very noticeably leaner. I was probably around ~11% BF starting the cycle so I was pretty lean anyway but am now definitely in single figures (maybe ~8 or 9%) judging by the veins on my upper abdomen, sides of my torso, shoulders, and my back. Based on this I estimate my LBM has increased from ~136lbs to 142lbs! Not bad in 8 weeks particularly as I wasn’t really eating for mass gain.

My appetite for lifting over the 8 weeks was INSANE, I literally had an incredible urge to lift every day and had to force myself to take a day off here and there. I have lifted on average 5 days a week, with minimal soreness and no let-up in strength. All my lifts have gone up, not huge increases but definitely improved and the weights that I previously found challenging are now easy. I have felt virtually indestructible going into the gym the last 2 months and my work capacity has improved hugely. I am 34 by the way to out some age context on these results.

All in all a great product and I am looking forward to running the next cycle. I am going to take before and after photos when I run the next 2 cycles. Really excited to see what changes I can make.

I would recommend this product to ANYONE who wants to kick up their training a big notch and feel INCREDIBLE while crushing weights.

–Colm McDonnell 

I just wanted to write a quick note and tell you about what has happened since I started using Aggressive Strength. I started a little over a month ago. The first couple of weeks, there was not a noticeable difference in my energy in strength, but I did see a significant drop in my body fat. I am not a ‘big’ guy (I am 5’8″ and at the time 165 lbs). At the 3 week mark, I saw a jump in my energy and strength. But, nothing compared to a month into using the product – my body fat dropped almost 2% (my weight is no 158 and solid muscle) and my strength has started to significantly increase. I am able to handle much heavier kettlebells and my lifts have added 15-25 lbs each (bench, deadlift, squat)…but, the best part has been seeing my wife, Athena’s response, to how my body has changed over the last 4-5 weeks – a visible difference!

Thanks, Mike! Great stuff. Also using the magnesium oil to help with recovery.

–James Pond of Transitions Global 

Just finished an 8-week cycle of your test boost. I weigh 145 lbs so I took 2 capsules a day. Everything seemed to come together during the 2 months; diet, rest days/proper sleep, and solid workouts. As a result, my weight went up. Prior to the cycle, my bench press was at 195-205 lbs and by the end of the cycle, I was pushing 235lbs for a few reps. My incline went from 185 lbs to 215 lbs and my deadlifts went up from 225 to 300 lbs. What I noticed the most during the 8 weeks was the consistency of my workouts. I never really had a day where my workout was weaker than the previous one. It’s funny, a friend of mine asked my opinion on test boosters a few months back and I had never given it any thought. So I looked into it and knew you had just released one. I liked what I read and I have been using your recovery oil for almost a year. At the time, I told my friend that I was going to place an order and that he should try it too. He opted to go with the Universal Test supplement (cost him ~$140 for a 44-day cycle). He told me it worked for him, but after witnessing my experience on your test booster he called me up a couple of days ago and told me to place an order for him.

 –-Matt Garton 

At the moment I am almost through my first eight-week cycle of Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster and I must say that all the praise is well deserved. I have noticed big improvements in my physical performance, but the most profound impact for me has been on my mood and mental well-being.

I am 30 years old now and for most of my late teens and into my mid-twenties I suffered from severe depression. I have had relapses in later years, and over the last few weeks, I have been through situations that would have crippled me in the past, had it not been for the supplement. These may seem like big words, but I know myself and I most certainly know my limitations. In lack of better terms, the supplement gives me an extra gear to go on, almost like a safety net of sorts. Everybody is different, but in my case, the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster has been better than any medication or treatment I have ever tried. 

I first heard about Mike Mahler back in 2007 while researching kettlebells which were new to me at the time. I ended up really liking his style and got a copy of The Kettlebell Solution for Fat Loss and Mental Toughness DVD. I have been an avid follower of his ever since and it has been a great journey and a complete pleasure all the way. 

Thank you so much for doing what you do.

–Axel, Norway

Feedback: your stuff rocks. I instantly noticed results in the form of increased libido, but over a couple of weeks, I also noticed a physical difference too. Note, I don’t do any kettlebells or weights nor am I triggering testosterone with large muscle group exercises. I have only been training Jiu-Jitsu and yoga + doing some of the plyometric workouts from the insanity program. I was training for the World Masters and Seniors championships which I won double bronze last weekend. My recovery was great and the only other supplement was a vegan protein shake (Arbonne was the brand). I plan on supplementing my regimen with kettlebells in the future but I’ve been really happy with the results.


After reading Live Life Aggressively and taking Mike’s hormone optimization class through Entheos Academy, I just HAD to try the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster.

I did a 4 week trial of it where I dropped all other supplements except for magnesium and Vitamin D.  My baseline serum testosterone level before beginning the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster was at 660 ng/dL.  At the end of 4 weeks, just 3 days before ceasing supplementation, my serum testosterone level was at 823 ng/dL.  That’s roughly a 25% increase over my baseline testosterone level.

While on the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster, I noticed better daytime focus and energy as well as fewer cravings for sugary foods or even coffee.  I’m not even sure that I “needed” my daily morning cup for the energy so much as it’s just become a habit.

In the gym, I felt like I was able to train harder and recover faster, especially neurologically between workouts.  Oftentimes, hard sprint work leaves me feeling as mentally exhausted as it does physically exhausted.  While on the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster, I felt physically exhausted after my sprint workouts, but still quite mentally fresh and focused.

The mental boost was not expected but certainly welcomed.  I train with a large number of operators, and on long heavy ruck marches, I often notice a mental fog that slowly creeps in as I approach physical exhaustion.  Oftentimes, people will ask me questions and I am taxed to formulate an answer.  However, while supplementing with the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster, I definitely noticed a nootropic effect where my mental acuity stayed sharp despite being under physical duress.

So, objectively (as evidenced by my bloodwork) and subjectively (as described by my experience), the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster is a game-changer.  Thanks, Mike!  Definitely one of the best products I have ever used!

–Chad Cilli

Mike: I just ordered a second bottle of your test boost/estrogen control. I am a 52-year-old white-collar professional; fit, but working in a stressful profession.

The product helps me maintain muscle mass during workout schedule interruptions. It adds a subtle extra focus on my mind at work. It has other subtle effects that are … um … nice.

I am a natural skeptic. I did not expect much if anything. I am pleasantly surprised.

Thank you. I enjoyed your book as well.  A good read.

–Michael Ramsey 

What is happening? I have definitely leaned out in fat… clearly areas of my body where fat accumulates have leaned down lower than I can remember this age…. this while putting on weight… this is clear. This weight has been muscle mass… I was hanging around 222 and now 228 – 229 with a leaner body… More gym energy, thicker muscles… legs, butt, thighs… increased libido/sexual energy. I can surely feel these things being very body aware. I have tried to take 3 per day a couple of times. I  find that I just do not feel that well when I do. I feel a bit grouchy and a bit headachy… I am thinking this is simply that 2 caps per day can work for me. As I mentioned I am very body aware and feel the effects of Aggressive Strength. I am really just into my third week, so it could even be I am not fully adjusted yet. 

 I have not actually tested my testosterone levels, yet I can feel a change in me… mood, energy, sexual energy (have had exceptional morning wood)… workout energy… body changes. 

–Wyoguy forum 

Hope you are doing great, I just wanted to send you a quick note about my experience with your testosterone booster. I have been taking it for three weeks now, and I the thing I noticed the most is that my hayfever allergies are pretty much gone. I generally have to take some form of anti-histamine off and on throughout the spring and summer. With your product, I haven’t had to take any for three weeks. I know that isn’t necessarily too long, but there was recently another hay cut in my area and I have been feeling great, where normally I would be having to take pills to lessen the effects. I looked up stinging nettle and discovered it can be used for hayfever as it has anti-histamine effects on the body.

Aside from that effect, I have noticed similar effects that others have had. I really feel an increase in strength during workouts and have less fatigue, therefore, being able to do more reps. My recovery time has improved as well. I also want to mention that I received my delivery in a very timely manner, thank you for that. I also have a similar benefit as others reported, causing my wife to complain that she can’t keep up with me! She is wondering when you will have “aggressive strength” for women!!! Haha!

Thanks and take care,

Tyrone, Canada

I have been using the Aggressive strength testosterone booster for around 6 weeks now with great results. After around 2 weeks at 3 tabs per day, I began to notice strength gains and better stamina in my Kettle Bells,  MMA, and BJJ training. I am able to do more intense 5-minute rounds now, and still feel strong and more full of energy throughout a hard hour of none stop sparring and drilling. At 38 years of age recovery was an issue with me, often being very sore after two hard sessions and struggling for the third one in the week. However now, with the Test Booster and also the Recovery Oil, my recovery is much better and soreness has really reduced between training sessions

I have also lost body fat, my waist and back fat has reduced (an area I have had stubborn fat in for years and struggled to shed) My mood has improved too, feeling calmer and more chilled out in the face of problems.

Overall a great supplement, especially for an older athlete like myself!-

– Mike C UK

I just wanted to let you know that the Test. Booster has been great for me, my wife has no complaints either!

I was taking Finasteride, Saw Palmetto, and using Minoxidil for nearly 10 years to prevent baldness, I stopped them all about a year ago after coming across a video of yours on the importance of hormones. I hadn’t really noticed any side effects but wanted to repair any imbalances those medications may have caused to my hormones and Aggressive Strength has appeared to have done so, I feel great!

I’m also all about Kettlebells these days. After a herniated disc in my C5 vertebrae from imbalances caused by lifting weights, KB’s have saved me! I’m just finishing up a 4 week run of your 5×5 work out and about to change up my program for the next month.

I just want to say thank you, my friend! I appreciate what you’re doing.

All the best man!

–Mark Furze 

I currently train in Krav Maga (the Israeli combat training/self-defense system) two to three times per week, plus throw in at least one heavy weight-training workout to build strength and complement my combat sessions.  I’ve also struggled with ADD (attention deficit disorder) throughout my life and was finding myself checking out from what the instructor was teaching about 30 to 35 minutes into my workouts.  Believe me, you do not want to be checking out mentally when having to defend against fists, kicks, chokes, and knife attacks!

Since I’ve been taking Testosterone Booster, however, my mental focus has been completely consistent throughout the whole training session; not having to catch myself, re-focus, and re-calibrate is great.  And regarding my most recent weight-training workout:  I walked into the gym in a kind of funk from having to meet a lot of deadlines at work.  After that first set, though, I started feeling the strength and endurance like I haven’t felt in a long time.  I just wanted to keep going and push myself harder.  It reminded me of that scene inCaptain America’ when he gets injected with the serum and literally looks down at his new muscles going “wow, this feels great”.  Thanks to potentially increased dopamine levels and enhanced awareness from Testosterone Booster, though, I knew I should cut off the workout at the right time to give myself the proper recovery and restoration. 

In short, I am grateful for your product, and, to pay it forward, have bought a bottle for my father so he can try it out for himself.  May he get the same kind of results that I have experienced.

–Joseph Moore 

Just a quick note to tell you how great your test booster is. I have tried a few others in the past some were ok (age force patches were the best). Yours, however, is incredible. After about the 3rd day I experienced huge improvements in mood, focus, and then boom libido like I haven’t felt since I was 16. I have been taking them all at the same time but I just watched your video and will try spreading them out a little. many thanks to you I am only 33 and am pretty healthy but have always had trouble focusing and have been a little add so this is perfect. now I just need more time to practice the midnight maneuver with the girlfriend! great product!

–Jonas Pena 

Hi Mike. just touching base on the Testosterone Booster. I finished my first 4-week cycle and I’m now just finishing my first week off the booster.

Week 1 – felt hot and sweated profusely all week due to the glucose disposal we talked about, got a consistent mental high, and felt pretty good but it was pretty intense, it was a definite event taking place in my body. that week I also started taking protein shakes consistently every morning and post-workout plus added vegetable juice into my diet made at home in a juicer, started taking zinc, kept up my dermal magnesium spray, got plenty of sleep, ate way better, worked out more, no coffee, etc typical health kick.

Week 2 – I felt like fucking superman, I kept the same regimen and moved up to 2 booster tablets a day, one with my breakfast smoothie at 7 and one around 2 pm with lunch. trained weights, trained BJJ, trained combative hard, worked hard, nothing phased me. 

Week 3 – again I felt like a beast, just more good moods and good workouts, work was easier stress was manageable, etc all good – all around. around this time I got onto the probiotics, just a regular Aussie brand shop bought one but still; it was something, my new gluten-free diet has really had a big effect and the probiotics at night also help, good call on that one.

Week 4 – felt great but the “rush” effect that I was getting from the boosters had definitely left me, now I just felt good and strong and energetic.

Week 5 – the first week off after a 4-week cycle, feel great, super motivated, noticeably stronger, and more intense in my day-to-day activities than I was 4 weeks ago, diet is great, workouts are great, not sleeping as well this week though? noticeably so but probably unrelated.

all in all, id say you’ve done it, man, it works for me, the “alpha” feeling I’ve heard you speak about has never been something I’ve connected with but the last month I would say I have, really good turn around. I’m 33 and its the best I’ve ever felt

—Kim McConchie

As a soon to be 47yo, the testosterone booster was a timely purchase for me. I’m getting ready to recert my SFG creds with Pavel et. al. and wanted to be super ready for the 3 day weekend. During my first RKC  cert (9/11). I barely passed the snatch test. That’s not gonna happen again. In fact, I’m making huge gains in completing the snatch test, with a 28kg. I’ve cut my time down from 15min to 7:40 since I started taking the pills. I’ve also hit PR’s in my deadlift as nearing 400lbs. Not bad weighing in at 170!

One day, I’m sure our paths will cross.

All the best!

–Tom Foley, 

Oakland, CA

What can I say about Mike’s Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster? I’ve experienced quite a few significant improvements, that I am more than positive are due to the addition of the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster. As a matter of fact, just a few days after I began taking ASTB, I achieved a PR in the 5 min Snatch-only sprint event, during the IKFF Invitational Kettlebell Sport competition, by completing 106 reps with the 24kg and achieving Candidate for Master of Sport in that event (10 reps less than the total amount I completed a few months earlier in the 10 minutes Snatch-only event). I felt stronger and completely focused. More importantly, I recovered from that event completely and was able to compete in the 5-minute long cycle clean and jerk event an hour later with the 16kg kettlebells, and complete 50 reps, and attaining Rank 1. 

Now a few weeks after including ASTB in my regimen, my body fat is down 4%, my mental focus is razor-sharp, I’m able to recover within a day after strenuous training sessions, hit numerous PRs during training, and I’m sure my sex drive would rival that of a man half my age (my wife is my witness ;-). I tried another testosterone booster before Mike’s, and I never saw anything close to the significant improvements in my overall performance, as I have with ASTB. I’m a fan, Mike. Thanks for, once again, creating a reputable and effective supplement, in an industry filled with false promises and over-priced garbage.

Sincere Hogan –

Just wanted to let you know that I started using Recovery Oil. I was taking a high-quality jell tablet and yours is blowing it out of the water.  My sleep is very deep now. I use 15 sprays in the morning and 15 before bed. I noticed it in 2 days. I also started my second cycle of the test booster. I really didn’t notice anything my first cycle, but this second after three days, I plowed through my CrossFit workout this morning. My focus, recovery were phenomenal. I am anxious to see how my lifts are. I am turning 54 yrs old soon so I look forward to the libido part-

 –Carl Mathias 

I love the Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster. In the last week, I’ve lost more weight, about 4 lbs, than I have in the last month. I haven’t changed my workout routine or my eating habits. According to an app I have to monitor sleep, and how I feel, I have been sleeping significantly better. I have had issues with backne for all of my adult life, and that too is almost gone. I can’t say enough good about it except thank you Morrison Industries for letting me know about it.

 –Zachary Goodreau 

I think you outdid yourself this time with your Testosterone Booster!!! My strength and endurance have hit another level. Thank you!!! I went from snatching 32kg to 36kg then the 38kg for 5X5’s. I added 2 more 200m & 300m sprints on track days. Those are only a couple of things I’ve noticed. On another angle, I might have to get a younger girlfriend that can keep up with my libido. It’s amazing that I get any training done. All I want to do is have sex. I’m 36 and my sex life has never been a problem. I’m extremely active, but this is a whole other level. Tarzan status!!!

–Christos Demetros, Las Vegas, NV IKFF Kettlebell Instructor 

Mike- thanks for an outstanding product. Just prior to starting Aggressive Strength we did a workout that included 100 air squats and I had to hobble to my car. After 2 weeks of AS we did another workout that included 150 air squats and – nothing, no sore muscles and I spent the day at work walking normally. I’ve started losing weight as well, without altering my diet. Will be interesting to see what I look like when I cycle off in 6 weeks. Thanks again!!!

–Ansel Chin 

Mike, God really has blessed you! You are the nicest Corporation-Fitness Man-Instructor I have ever met, albeit online. You have been a blessing to me. I am now 240 solid pounds at 5’10” and without the stiff steroid look either.

The 40 kg. bell is getting very manageable. My body is very very strong now, and the Aggressive Strength is amazing! Even my hard to get at chest fat-at the lower outer edges is going away! At 49, is that possible? Yes, it is.

If I can ever help you in any way, let me know.

Peace bro!

–John Garcia.

Hi Mike,  I just wanted to say that I received your Test Booster about 2 weeks ago.  I have been taking 3 tablets each day,  I feel great,  my energy is up.  So far I have lost about 10lbs and I am leaner.  Not bad for a 41-year-old fart….lol  This supplement is the real deal folks.  I would recommend it to anyone!

–Brad MacMillan  

I have been following you and researching your articles for the last year. About 2 years ago when living in LA, I became very depressed, agitated, and had a lack of motivation with workouts( for me martial arts was my passion) and blamed it on the commute from Thousand Oaks to Studio City 5 days a week, 101 you get the picture. After moving back to the south my problem did not get better it got worse. I went to my GP and he sent me to a specialist. They checked me for prostate and bladder cancer. Found out my T levels were way below normal. My family and I moved back to LA to see if I could get back on my feet. Instead, nothing changed. In November of 2012, I started researching your articles on hormones and andropause. Started taking some of the supplements you suggested. I could slowly feel a difference. In late January I changed to a completely plant-based diet, Krav Maga, circuit training, and supplements you suggested. My mood started changing as well as my body. In March, ordered your T booster and recovery oil as well. On April 27th, which was my 90-day mark, I have lost 42 pounds, gained muscle, feel better, and able to keep up with the 20-year-olds in Krav. This is my new lifestyle. I will FB you pics soon of my progress. Also, I just turned 43. Thanks for the info!

 –Jay Evan Walker 

Just wanted to add to the long list of kudos for your Aggressive Strength Testosterone Booster. It really works – even for older guys without shredded muscle or intense workout regimes. I’m a 54-year-old guy in good shape (6 feet tall, 175 pounds) who regularly does cardio and lifts light to moderate weights (kettlebells, dumbbells, etc.) but I am by no means a gym rat nor am I a former athlete.

I had my T level checked as part of a comprehensive physical and was surprised to find it much lower than the normal range since I really had none of the classic symptoms of low T (low sex drive, fatigue, etc.). My wife has been following you for a couple of years and recommended your product so I gave it a shot (2 pills/day for 45 days) and then got my T level retested. My score went from 206 to 342 (the normal range is 300-800) in 50 days – a 66% improvement! You totally rock!

Your product is awesome and I can’t wait to start the second round next month.

–Eric C 

I finished an AS cycle at the end of May and I want to briefly share with you a few comments. I took 2 caps per day and I started feeling the effects the first few days! I could totally feel an increase in not only energy but mental focus as well. At the end of my AS cycle, I added two extra sets of my KB press. I am listening to your podcast episode 4 and I totally experienced the increased compassion and confidence while on AS. I have been to one of your workshops and I have been loving the recovery oil. I love the fact that you practice what you preach and I can’t wait for your new products. Keep up the awesome work! Oh one more thing, I find it funny that the mainstream is finally catching up to you as you have been advocating hormone optimization for years. 

–Jeff Cordova

Having been involved in strength training for almost 15 years and trying every supplement under the sun, I wasn’t expecting dramatic results from your testosterone booster. I’ve just finished
my first cycle and the results are nothing short of incredible.

I’ve dropped two inches off my waist whilst increasing all of my lifts. My energy levels are up, my sex drive is up but more importantly than anything mentioned your product has given me that extra focus I needed to kick start my business as a trainer.

Can’t thank you enough for the great product and the brilliant seminar that you put on in the UK with Dan John and Sabina Skala. I can’t recommend this product or your book enough, brilliant work.

-Iain Johnson, Personal Trainer, Kettlebell Instructor, and Nutrition Specialist

I began using the Testosterone Booster 2 weeks ago, and it has been superb so far. I take one at 7 am, and another at around noon each day. Like many/most, I’ve always had way more drive than my body could recover from without putting me into a huge deficit (fog) the next day, or even 2 days later. 

My management job is very technical, so that fog was unacceptable since intense and accurate focus at work is an absolute necessity, needless to say, that it was also hampering my workout progress. I learned quite a while back to keep the intensity in check and had even spaced my workouts accordingly, allowing two days of rest in between instead of one. 

Now, at age 54, and after using it for only 2 weeks, I’ve found that my recovery is much quicker, and my energy is optimal every single day, and I can work out every other day when I get the chance without the lingering fatigue. I love it!  I can’t wait to see how much progress I can make over the next six weeks.

–Mark Hanington 

I’m very pleased to say I just ordered another 3 bottles of Aggressive Strength! I just wanted to say, I have only been taking it for 2-3 weeks but I’ve noticed a significant improvement in several areas of my life/training.  

I’m pretty busy, I work a 9-5 and teach martial arts in the evening as well as fitting in my own kettlebell training routine. The last couple of weeks I’ve been hitting it hard with the kettlebells, approaching PB’s again after a bit of a lull. My students in my Kung Fu classes don’t know what’s hit them! Hill sprints, burpees, sparring have been turned up a notch or 5 and I’m recovering quickly and feeling fresh for each session. 

I generally drag myself out of bed in the morning and whilst I’m not yet springing out of bed, I am getting up feeling fresher and managing some Tai Chi and mobility work in the mornings before work.

Whilst by no means being overweight, I’ve dropped half a stone in weight and certainly looking more defined

–Mark Stevenson 

Hello, my name is Jaffer Panezai. I am a semi-pro-Kickboxer out of NJ and I am a huge fan of Mr. Mahler. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been using the test booster because my testosterone was on the lower end. Between that and the restorenzyme, I am noticing a huge difference with my training/recovery. I also use the recovery oil and I love it. Because of Mr. Mahler, I became a vegetarian as well, all these things have led me to such a healthier lifestyle and a successful fighting career. I just want to thank you guys for having such an amazing product line and being so informative. I just had to write this email and thank you! 

–Jaffer Panezai

Just finished an 8-week course of your testosterone booster after having a break for a few months, and I am feeling unstoppable. I am hitting personal bests every week, and am now doing 1.5 hours non-stop workouts, lifting heavy with high intensity, 3x a week. I feel like an animal!

I’ve gone from weighing 102kg down to 96kg, but have got bigger and stronger. Thought I would start doing deadlifts last night, so I did 5 sets working my way up to 120kg for the last 2. First set at 120kg I got 6 reps out. The second set my adrenal gland must’ve kicked in, and I pumped out 11 reps like it was nothing. Could’ve gone heavier but decided that was enough for the first week, and my lower back is a bit stiff this morning haha. Your product works, I feel young again, in mind and body. Thanks, Mike!

–Nath Mel 

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