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Hugh R. Woodward, MHA

You know that padded area on the sides of your belly button that just won’t go away even when you diet and exercise? Well, most of us do; and every year we get older, the fat pads seem to keep getting bigger and harder to control. Yes, it can be frustrating when you eat healthy, exercise, and do everything right, and yet that stubborn belly fat pad still won’t go away. In this article, we are breaking down how DHEA can help you lose some of that fat.

As we gradually get older, we tend to put on more belly fat and have a harder time losing it, even if we don’t gain weight.  Maybe not gaining weight but losing fitness – more fat relative to muscle – measured as the BMI, body mass index. Unfortunately, we tend to gain more and more fat relative to less and less muscle.

This is largely due to our bodies producing lower levels of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Hormones are the protein drivers that make us what we are. The good news is DHEA can help because it’s a basic hormone foundation or precursor for hormones..

Body fat is stored in the abdominal areas as either subcutaneous or visceral fat.  Subcutaneous fat lies just below the skin, whereas visceral fat is located inside the abdominal cavity and surrounds the organs.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says that higher amounts of abdominal fat are associated with increased the risks for insulin resistance, heart disease, and stroke. Being overweight also increases risks of many types of cancer, dementia, and premature loss of bone strength. So basically, gaining a little extra fat can have a significantly negative impact on our health and how we feel and function.


Causes for extra fat include heredity, age, an inefficient metabolism; and yes, of course: what we eat and drink and how much we exercise. But, as we get older, the metabolism starts to gradually slow down, and the body begins to store away more energy as fat than it burns to fuel the cells due to reduced insulin sensitivity, reduced hormones, less drive and less physical activity.

Diet and exercise can help reduce abdominal fat, but the body, unfortunately, stores fat primarily in the abdomen for men and around the hips and thighs for women. Women may sometimes gain weight more rapidly than men because of faster more dramatic changes in a number of hormone levels happening together as they approach peri-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause. But reduced hormones happens in men too.


Please beware of liposuction and cryogenics that do remove subcutaneous fat tissue but can have dangerous adverse side effects. These cosmetic procedures don’t do anything to reduce visceral fat. Reducing carbohydrate intake and exercising more can indeed help when trying to shed some fat. Medical research studies done at Washington University School of Medicine show that DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone, allowed men and women to lose both subcutaneous and visceral abdominal fat with no invasive procedures or extreme dieting.


Past age 25 levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA, gradually decrease by a rate of about 2% per year.

dhea and weight loss graph

The blue line in the graph above shows DHEA levels over the human lifespan. The red line represents a more subdued decline that might be possible if DHEA levels were better maintained with Twist 25 DHEA cream.

DHEA is primarily an adrenal prohormone, though studies show a great deal of DHEA metabolism also occurs in the gonads and dermis. This hormone is a precursor to the male and female sex hormones, all androgenic and estrogenic hormones. DHEA also counterbalances cortisol, the inflammatory response hormone.

According to a study done at Washington University School of Medicine published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), “DHEA has been shown to reduce both visceral and subcutaneous fat in men and women.” The physicians conducting the study determined that higher DHEA levels were associated with improved insulin sensitivity.1

In this randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled medical study, researchers found that DHEA supplementation decreased subcutaneous and visceral fat by as much as 10.2 percent in women and 7.4 percent in men. Clinical studies also suggest that DHEA reduces LDL, or bad cholesterol, and overall body fat.

DHEA for women’s weight loss, and men, is more beneficial when it is used as a properly made absorbable skin cream. DHEA applied as a skin cream provides something the body metabolizes in the dermis, DHEA, where it occurs and is processed naturally. The bioavailability for beneficial effects is much greater when DHEA is used as an absorbable cream instead of a pill.

DHEA supplement pills are largely eliminated by the first-pass effect of the liver.

While DHEA does not provide a miracle cure for losing belly fat, it certainly may help according to the research. Along with a healthy diet and regular exercise, DHEA may help you to be more active and healthy so you feel your best and lose a little unwanted fat too.


So while DHEA is helping your body reduce unwanted fat, science has also now shown us that DHEA also promotes cell formation for connective tissues such as musclecartilage, and bone osteocytes (as well as skin cells in the dermis, natural killer (NK) cells for the immune system, and DHEA helps neurons as well).

Medical research also shows us that DHEA allows for healthier epithelial cells throughout the cardiovascular system and peripheral tissues. Epithelial cells are what make up our veins and arteries throughout the body. This can help reduce high blood pressure.

DHEA also counterbalances the inflammatory effects of cortisol.  So, after workouts, muscle recovery is improved while soreness is reduced.

DHEA also allows for the formation of shapelier, more toned muscle because it is a base for the sex hormones.


So, dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA, is an important thing to consider for people past age 35 that are not competing in professional or NCAA sports. DHEA is tested for competitive athletes because it is performance-enhancing, therefore it does provide an advantage. There are no dangerous side effects of DHEA, a base hormone precursor.

DHEA for fat loss does not require a physician’s prescription, but the proper method of use makes a big difference in whether you get the benefits. DHEA should be used daily by men and women past age 35 by applying DHEA onto the skin to maintain optimum health and vitality. Reduce abdominal fat and build lean shapely muscle and cardiovascular healthstronger immune system, better recovery after workouts, better sleep at night, better cognitive function, and healthier skin.

Twist 25 DHEA cream is a pharmaceutical-grade bioidentical DHEA supplement cream, not a pill. We process DHEA in the skin, so Twist 25 DHEA cream provides DHEA the right way. What the body uses is applied where the body uses it, the dermis, the skin; the largest organ of the human body.

  • Rub In A Couple Of Squirts Of Twist 25 Cream Morning And Evening Each Day Onto Thin Hairless Skin.
  • Try To Eat And Drink A Good Healthy Diet. Drink Plenty Of Clean Water Throughout Every Day. Adequate Water Is Key To Good Health.
  • Get At Least 30 Minutes To An Hour Of Exercise Every Day. Walk, Swim, Bike; Any Activity Helps.
  • Sleep 6-8 Hours A Night.

Apply Twist 25 DHEA cream morning and evening every day. See and feel the benefits within a few weeks. Gain shapely muscle. Have more energy and drive. Lose abdominal fat. No dangerous side effects.  Use Twist 25 DHEA cream to lose the flab. Just do it.


Dr. Dennis T. Villareal, Dr. John O. Holloszy.  “Effect of DHEA on abdominal fat and insulin action in elderly women and men: a randomized controlled trial”. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Nov 10, 2004; 292(18):2243-8. doi: 10.1001/jama.292.18.2243.

“DHEA administration increases rapid eye movement sleep and EEG power in sigma frequency range.” Friess E, Trachsel L, Guldner J, Schier T, Steiger A, Holsboer F. American Journal of Physiology Jan 1995 268(1 Pt 1):E107-13. Pubmed study

Jean-Pierre Savineau, Roger Marthan, Eric Dumas de la Roque. “Role of DHEA in cardiovascular diseases” Journal of Biochemical Pharmacology. Mar 15, 2013; 85(6):718-26. doi: 10.1016/j.bcp.2012.12.004. Epub 2012 Dec 25. Pubmed study

“DHEA Reduces Cardiovascular Risks and Promotes Healthy Longeavity” Life Extension Magazine. Science and Research. May 2015.


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