I like to have A PowerShake around an hour after I get up to really get my day going. I find that a power shake allows me to take in a lot of nutrition without excessive energy allocated for digestion. This powershake receipe keeps my mind and body working well for several hours and works well as a pre-workout meal two hours before training

1 scoop pure advantage pea protein,1 scoop organic growing naturals rice protein, 2 tablespoons of hempseeds, 2 tablespoons of chia seed powder, 1 tablespoon of Udo’s oil, 1 tablespoon of maca, 1 tablespoon of cacao, 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg. Juiced the following and added in: mustard greens, ginger, beets, kale, celery. 8oz of water, 1 block of frozen Acai, 1/4 cup of gojiberries/blueberries. Put in blender with frozen ice for 45 seconds.