Mike Mahler
As kettlebell training becomes more popular, trainees are getting confused about how to effectively add kettlebell training to their regimens. Some people might enjoy kettlebell-only or kettlebell-focused programs, while others won’t want to quit their current program but instead enhance them by introducing kettlebell movements. Kettlebells are excellent weight training tools and also useful for work capacity and structural integrity. In this article, I’ll cover using kettlebells as weight-training tools, along with other training tools for size and strength training–which is the way to go to for fat loss. In Part 2, the focus will be on how to add kettlebell training in timed sets for structural integrity, work capacity, and muscular endurance.
When using kettlebells for weight-training, for a comprehensive and balanced program, you must cover the following five categories:
1. Upper Body Press
2. Upper Body Pull
3. Lower Body Press
4. Lower Body Pull
5. Core
Upper Body Press Exercises
Barbell Military Press
Barbell Incline Press
Barbell Bench Press
Handstand Push-Up
Barbell Push-Press
Lifeline TNT Cable Military Press
Lifeline Power Push-up
Upper Body Kettlebell Press Exercises
Double KB Military Press
One-Arm KB Military Press
Alternating KB Military Press
KB Clean and Military Press
KB Push-Press
One-Arm KB Floor Press
Double KB Floor Press
Upper Body Pull Exercises
Barbell Bent-Over Row
Upper Body Kettlebell Pull Exercises
One-Arm KB Bent-Over Row
Alternating KB Bent-Over Row
Double KB Bent-over Row
Renegade Row
Alternating Renegade Row
Lower Body Press
Barbell Squat
Barbell Front Squat
Hack Squat
Elevated Trapbar Deadlift (stand on a solid box or barbell plate to increase the range of motion)
Box Squat
Hindu Squat
One-Legged Squat
Lifeline Portable Power Jumper Squat
Lower Body Kettlebell Press
One-Arm KB Front Squat
Double KB Front Squat
KB Suitcase Squat
KB Suitcase Lunge
Lower Body Pull
Barbell Deadlift
Trapbar Deadlift
Barbell Clean
Barbell Snatch
Lower Body Kettlebell Pull Exercises
One-Arm KB Swing
Double KB Swing
Double KB Clean
One-Arm KB Snatch
Double KB Snatch
Core Exercises
Ab Wheel Roll-Out (kneeling and standing)
Hanging Leg Raise
Slow and Controlled Sit-Up/Side Bend
Reverse Sit-Up
Core Kettlebell Exercises
KB Windmill
KB Turkish Get-Up
KB Side Bend
KB Guard Sit-Up
KB Pass Between the Feet
Once you’ve constructed your training program to cover these five areas, it’s easy to see where kettlebell movements can fit in. Below are two examples of size and strength programs which effectively combine kettlebells with barbell work and body weight training. To cover all the bases, the programs additionally contain a conditioning element. These are not bulking programs wherein the goal is to add as much actual weight as possible, since such programs can end up adding more fat than muscle, which most trainees are trying to avoid! Rather, the objective of these programs is to gradually add solid muscle–gaining five pounds of solid muscle will have a more profound effect on your physique than adding fifteen pounds of mostly fat.
Sample Program “A”
A1) Lifeline TNT Cable Military Press 3×5
rest: 60-seconds
A2) Weighted Chin-Up 3×5
load: your 8 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
Do A1 and A2 in alternating fashion, i.e., do a set of A1, rest for a minute, then do a set of A2. Continue until all sets have been completed.
Kettlebell Windmill 2×5 each side
B1) Elevated Trapbar Deadlift 5×5
load: your 7-9 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
B2) Double KB Swing 5×5
*swing to chest level
load: your 8-10 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
Do B1 and B2 in alternating fashion, i.e., do a set of B1, rest for a minute, then do a set of B2. Continue until all sets have been completed.
Circuit Training
Double Kettlebell Clean and Push Press 1×10
One-arm Kettlebell Bent-over Row 1×10 each side
Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up 1×5 each side
Double Kettlebell Clean and Front Squat 1×6 (clean before each squat)
One-arm Kettlebell Swing 1×15 each side
Take 30-second breaks between each exercise and 60-second breaks at the end of each round. Do five rounds total.
A1) Barbell Clean and Military Press 5×3
load: your 4-6 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
A-2) Weighted Pull-Up 5×3
load: your 5 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
Do A1 and A2 in alternating fashion, i.e., do a set of A1, rest for a minute, then do a set of A2. Continue until all sets have been completed.
Hanging Leg Raise 3×5 each side
load: your 7 rep max
B-1) Double KB Front Squat 5×5
load: your 7-9 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
B-2) Double KB Swing 5×5
*swing to chest level
load: 7-8 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
Do B1 and B2 in alternating fashion, i.e., do a set of B1, rest for a minute, then do a set of B-2. Continue until all sets have been completed.
Circuit Training
Double KB Clean and Jerk 1×10
Lifeline Power Push-Up 2 Push-Up 1×10
Renegade Row 1×10 each side
Lifeline Power Wheel Roll-Out 1×5
Lifeline Portable Power Jumper Squat 1×10
One-Arm KB Snatch 1×12 each side
Take 30-second breaks in between each exercise and 60-second breaks at the end of each round. Do five rounds.
Sample Program “B”
A1) Double KB Clean and Military Press 5×5
load: your 7-9 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
A2) Weighted Pull-Up 5×5
load: your 8 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
Do A1 and A2 in alternating fashion, i.e., do a set of A1, rest for a minute, then do a set of A2. Continue until all sets have been completed.
Lifeline Power Wheel AB Roll-Out 2×10 (from knees or standing, depending on your strength)
B1) Barbell Squat 5×5
load: your 7-9 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
B2) Double KB Swing 5×5
*swing to chest level
load: your 8-10 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
Do B1 and B2 in alternating fashion, i.e., do a set of B1, rest for a minute, then do a set of B2. Continue until all sets have been completed.
Circuit Training
KB One-Arm Clean and Push-Press 1×10
Alternating Renegade Row 1×10
Hindu Squat 1×25
One-Arm Kettlebell Snatch 1×10 each side
Slow and Controlled Sit-Up 1×10 (4 seconds up/4 seconds down)
Take 30-second breaks in between each exercise and 60-second breaks at the end of each round. Do 5 rounds total.
A1) Barbell Incline Press 5×5
load: your 7-9 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
A2) Weighted Chin-up 5×5
load: your 8 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
Do A1 and A2 in alternating fashion, i.e., do a set of A1, rest for a minute, then do a set of A2. Continue until all sets have been completed.
KB Turkish Get-Up 3×5 each side
load: a weight you can take to 7 reps
B1) Elevated Trapbar Deadlift 5×5
load: your 7-9 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
B2) Double KB Clean 5×5
load: your 7-8 rep max
rest: 60-seconds
Do B1 and B2 in alternating fashion, i.e., do a set of B1, rest for a minute, then do a set of B2. Continue until all sets have been completed.
Circuit Training
Explosive Push-Up 1×10 (launching off the floor as high as possible each rep)
Double KB Bent-Over Row 1×10
Double KB Suitcase Squat 1×12
One-Arm KB Swing 1×12 each side
Hanging Leg Raise 1×10
Take 30-second breaks in between each exercise and 60-second breaks at the end of each round. Do five rounds.
Off days, do light exercise, such as walking, swimming, joint mobility training, yoga, tai-chi and chi-kung. These types of exercise help with soreness and workout recovery. If you find that four days is too much training, move Tuesday’s workout to Wednesday and Thursday’s workout to Friday (cutting out the Friday circuit training workout) for three training days. If you’re under excess stress or for whatever reason experiencing poor recovery, reduce training to two days only. For example, do Monday’s workout, then do Tuesday’s workout on Thursday, cutting out all other training. For active recovery on off days, do the suggested light exercises.