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Without insulin sensitivity you will never be healthy or achieve physique composition goals

  • Insulin the most anabolic hormone and is absolutely essential for life and to thrive. 
  • If you don’t have adequate insulin levels and receptor uptake your cells die. Why type 1 diabetics have to take insulin injections.
  • Insulin is what drives glucose and amino acids into the liver, muscles, and cells.
  • Insulin resistance is a condition in which insulin becomes less effective at driving nutrients into the liver, muscle, and cells.
  • Insulin receptors are worn out and no longer sensitive to the effects of insulin. As a result, a large insulin response occurs in order to force insulin uptake by the worn out receptors.
  • High levels of insulin increase inflammation, which increases the likelihood of heart disease and a variety of serious health issues.
  • According to Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, insulin resistance leads to hair loss in both men and women (front and sides), increases blood pressure, night sweats, irritability, and hot flashes in women.
  • High insulin response to a meal will also drive down blood sugar and make you hungry soon after.
  • When insulin is high you are no longer in a fat burning state. In addition, insulin has an inverse relationship with growth hormone. When insulin is high, growth hormone is low.
  • Insulin resistance can also be the root cause for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) Optimal morning fasting insulin level is below 5 uIU/mL
  • Insulin resistance has a negative impact on testosterone levels as high glucose levels reduce testosterone production. Insulin and testosterone

Steps to increase insulin sensitivity

  • Engage in high-intensity training like sprinting, kettlebell training, circuit training as such training scoops up glucose out of the bloodstream and increases uptake into the cells, muscles, liver. Avoid high glycemic meals, high sugar intake, processed meats, trans fats,
  • Avoid high fat intake as too much fat makes the weakens insulin receptors which will result in excess glucose in the bloodstream. 
  • Have a balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates at each meal to avoid excessive insulin spikes. 
  • Take two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 8oz of water before meals.
  • Take longer stretches in between each meal such as four to six hours. Two meals per day with eight hours between meals is very effective.
  • Intermittent fasting improves insulin sensitivity. One 24 hour fast has been shown to re-set insulin sensitivity as well.
  • Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine as caffeine stimulates insulin production. 1-2 cups per day are fine if you don’t have adrenaline resistance.
  • Add spices that help with glucose metabolism and reduce inflammation such as cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, and nutmeg. Add 1/4 teaspoon to protein shakes.
  • Cook with turmeric, basil, oregano.
  • Drink 3-5 cups of organic green tea daily. Use stevia as a sweetener as stevia helps with glucose metabolism.
  • Go for a 2-3 mile walk daily in addition to training to remove excess glucose from the bloodstream.

Supplement recommendations for Insulin resistance

  • Magnesium: Magnesium is necessary for the production, function, and transport of insulin. Magnesium is necessary for insulin to open cell membranes for glucose. Here is some info from Dr. Dean author of “The Magnesium Miracle” for optimal dosing: The rule of thumb for men and women is 6-8mg/kg (3.0 to 4.5mg/lb) of body weight per day. That equals around 600-900mg of magnesium per day for a 200lb man. Hard training athletes will be at the higher end of the scale (900mg for the example of a 200lb man and 400-680mg for the example of a 150lb woman). The most absorbable form of magnesium us transdermal magnesium oil.
  • Berberine 500mg 3x per day with meals. Has been shown to be just as effective as the diabetic drug Metformin.
  • Taurine: 1-3 grams per day with meals. A study showed it lowered insulin resistance by 56%, triglycerides by 22%, and LDL cholesterol by 21%. Also excellent for lowering high blood pressure. Improves liver and kidney health. Also increases glutathione levels. 
  • Carnitine: (acetyl L-carnitine or carnitine tartrate) has been shown to increase cells fuel burning activities and improve glucose tolerance. Carnitine helps fatty acids get burned to be used as fuel by the cells. ALCAR also helps with mood and brain health. 1-2 grams two times per day. Stacks well with R-lipoic acid.
  • R-lipoic Acid acts as an insulin mimicker and increases glucose metabolism (usage of glucose so not as much gets stored as fat) 1 200mg cap with meals 3x per day.
  • Mucuna Pruriens (20% L dopa) increases growth hormone, testosterone, and helps with glucose metabolism. 500mg per day
  • Vitamin D: low vitamin D leads to insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction. Most clinical studies in a variety of health areas point toward a blood level of vitamin D is 60 to 80 ng/ml, for preventive health 5000iu to 15,000iu works well to get Vitamin D in the optimal range.
  • CoQ10: 120mg in a study of 59 people. Baseline fasting Glucose went from 142 to 95. Ubiquinol is the best option at 200-400mg per day A must if you have high blood pressure, heart issues, and insulin resistance.

Reference range

 2.0 to 19.6 uiu/ml (ideal is 2-5 and below) and a glucose of 85 mg/dl

Sources and recommended reading 

The Hormone solution, Dr. Thierry Hertoghe

Traumatic Brain Injury, Dr. Mark Gordon

Mastering Leptin by Byron Richards

Adrenaline Dominance by Michael E. Platt, M.D.


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