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The negative impact of toxins on hormone balance and production

  • 15 trillion pounds of chemicals are made or imported in the USA every year
  • The FDA has registered 80,000 chemicals in use and we only have tests to check for 250 of them.
  • 400 chemical contaminants have been found in human fat
  • Only 1% of pesticides even make it to the crop to protects from insects.
  • America uses 4.5 billion pounds of pesticides yearly
  • On a daily basis, we are exposed to toxins via pesticides, car exhaust, carpets, industrial solvents, plasticizers, paint, air fresheners, and household cleaning products.
  • We are born with toxins as toxins can be passed from mother to child. Studies show newborns were exposed to 200 (on average) of the 413 toxic chemicals
  • Air fresheners are full of solvents which are neurotoxins
  • Carpets are a potent source of solvents as is new cabinetry and new paint.
  • Most perfumes are high in solvents
  • Drinking water is full of arsenic and other heavy metals
  • Cadmium a heavy metal abundant in cigarette smoke and in our food supply disrupts the mitochondria, causes cancer and kidney damage, and weak bones.
  • Symptoms we often associate with aging are actually from the accumulation of toxins over your lifetime.
  • Animal products with high-fat content are the most common sources of fat-soluble toxins.
  • Many feel worse when they diet as the stored toxins from fat cells are released into the bloodstream.
  • Fat can be burned for fuel but fat-soluble toxins can’t.
  • Fit people can have just as many toxins in their bodies as everyone else. Their fat levels have much higher concentrations.
  • An animal study showed that when they lost weight there were increased levels of the neurotoxin hexachlorobenzene (HCB) in the brain and blood. HCB is associated with headaches, brain fog, and depression in people.
  • Dieting without detoxing will just make you fatter and more unhealthy as you will have more toxins in the bloodstream.
  • BPA Bisphenol A is a highly estrogenic compound used in canned goods and prepackaged goods. Also associated with insulin resistance in animal studies
  • Plastics leached into food (In particular microwaved options) are serious hormone disruptors. Especially the plastics that meat is often wrapped in.
  • A high toxic burden places you at higher risk for diabetes.
  • A diet high in fat and sugar will lead to more stored toxins.
  • Reduce toxins and you reduce fat as toxins are stored in fat to keep away from vital organs.
  • As long as you have high levels of toxins, fat loss will evade you. Get rid of the toxins and it will be much easier to get rid of fat.
  • If you just try to get rid of the fat to get rid of toxins you will fail as the toxins are reabsorbed by your body and new levels of fat collect around them to keep away from organs.
  • The more toxins you have the more fat you will accumulate around the toxins
  • Toxins enter the body and damage mitochondria (the energy source for cells). Mercury, for example, prevents energy production and can lead to early cell demise.
  • All of the systems in the body including the brain, muscles, and heart need ATP to function optimally.
  • When Mitochondria is creating ATP you have ample fuel for health and high energy.
  • When Mitochondria levels are not optimal metabolism slows and fatigue and fat gain follow.

If you’re overweight and suffer from the following you have a toxic burden

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto’s disease
  • Sensitivity to chemicals
  • Constant fatigue
  • Catch colds and the flu often
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Infertility
  • Parkinsons symptoms

Leading sources of Chlorinated Pesticides

  • Nonorganic beef
  • Nonorganic dairy
  • Farm raised fish
  • Nonorganic butter

Top 12 fruits and vegetables highest in pesticides

Non organic options of the following


Bell Peppers











Top 12 fruits and veggies lowest in pesticides










Sweet Corn

Sweet Peas


Least toxic plastics

  • Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used in single bottles and containers and is recyclable
  • High-density polyethylene (HDPE) used for milk jugs, shampoo bottles, supplements, and is recyclable
  • Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) used for plastic wrap and grocery bags
  • Polypropylene (PP) used for syrup, yogurt containers, and diapers

Most toxic plastics

  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used in cling wraps for packaged meat. PVC includes phthalates which disrupt hormone production and balance
  • Extruded polystyrene (PS) Styrofoam which is considered a carcinogen
  • Polycarbonate (PC) baby bottles, water cooler jugs, tin cans. Composed of BPA which is connected to obesity and cancer.

Action steps to reduce your toxin burden

  • Eat organic food wherever possible and local organic is ideal
  • If you eat meat only eat organic meat from healthy animals without exception.
  • Eliminate all dairy and eggs that are not organic
  • Cut out all processed foods as sugar hampers the liver’s ability to clear toxins from the blood.
  • Cut out all trans fats and focus on healthy sources such as olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, cacao.
  • Eat a diet high in micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids) such as legumes, nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies, and mushrooms.
  • Make sure coffee is organic and made with distilled or reverse osmosis water.
  • Avoid tap water and drinking out of plastic bottles whenever possible.
  • Drink eight 8oz glasses of distilled water or reverse osmosis water.
  • Make sure to get enough protein to help the liver handle the chemical overload. Low protein diets make the liver less able to break down toxic chemicals.
  • Do a blood test to determine vitamin and mineral levels at the cellular level. Spectracell is an example in the USA. If you’re deficient in vitamins and minerals you will not clear out toxins efficiently.
  • Use natural cleaning products,
  • Only use natural chemical free cosmetics.
  • Don’t use air fresheners.
  • Avoid the most toxic plastics,
  • Go to a sauna once a week.
  • Get a massage two times per month or more.
  • If you own your home, rip out all carpets and replace with hardwood or bamboo floors
  • Load up on organic berries to increase antioxidant and polyphenol intake to help the immune system battle toxins.
  • Drink 3 cups of green tea and 3-5 servings of broccoli every week to help the liver detox
  • Start each day with a glass of lime juice with 1/4 teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt as a potent liver cleanse
  • Take Milk Thistle at 200mg per day to support liver health. Prunella Vulgaris in EC is also a potent liver health herb.
  • Clear out harmful estrogens 4 and 16 hydroxyestrone by loading up on cruciferous vegetables, kelp (Due to the iodine) and estrogen lowering supplements such as EC, Myomin, DIM, and zinc.
  • Consumption of tofu, tempeh, or natto also improves levels of good to bad estrogens and does not increase overall estrogen levels.
  • Milled flaxseeds at two tablespoons per day also improve levels of the beneficial estrogen metabolite 2 hydroxyestrone
  • NAC N-acetyl Cysteine has been shown to increase the excretion of mercury from the body. 600mg per day
  • Take probiotics to keep healthy bacteria levels high and in turn improve immune function. 100 billion potencies 1-2 times per day.
  • Load up on essential fatty acids to lower excess inflammation. Milled flaxseeds, chia seeds, and hemp seeds are excellent options.
  • Take Chelation supplements to clear out heavy metals. Recommended brand from Dr. Julio Garcia
  • If necessary take chelation drugs such as DMSA and DMPS which are prescribed by physicians and not available in any stores.

Sources and recommended reading

From Clean, green, and lean Dr. Walter Crinnion

Tox-Sick From toxic to not sick Suzanne Somers


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