For any barbell exercise start with 75% of your estimated one-rep max and for any kettlebell, dumbbell, or bodyweight exercise start with 60% of your one set max. Now keep in mind this recommendation is not going to work if you exaggerate your one rep or one set max. A common mistake many male trainees make. I remember years ago a popular fitness magazine asked men what their bench press maxes are and then took them to the gym right afterward to test accuracy. No surprise the majority was nowhere close to what they professed. Lying to yourself is not useful in any context and certainly disastrous if you actually care about enjoying training progress.
There are many ways to put together a high-frequency training program and I prefer a full-body focus at each session covering an upper body press, upper body pull, lower body press, lower body pull, and midsection work. Here is an example of a three day per workout high-frequency program.
Trapbar Deadlift 5x3x380lbs (75% of 510lbs)
Double Kettlebell Press 5x3x70lb bells (10 rep max)
Double Kettlebell Bent-over Row 5x5x79lb bells (18 rep max)
Double Kettlebell Swing 5x8x70lb bells (20 rep max)
Dragon Flag 3×6 (10 rep max)
Trapbar Deadlift 4x4x380lbs (75% of 510lbs)
Double Kettlebell Press 4x4x70lb bells (10 rep max)
Double Kettlebell Bent-over Row 4x6x79lb bells (18 rep max)
Double Kettlebell Swing 4x10x70lb bells (20 rep max)
Dragon Flag 3×6 (10 rep max)
Trapbar Deadlift 3x5x380lbs (75% of 510lbs)
Double Kettlebell Press 3x6x70lb bells (10 rep max)
Double Kettlebell Bent-over Row 3x8x79lb bells (18 rep max)
Double Kettlebell Swing 3x12x70lb bells (20 rep max)
Dragon Flag 3×6 (10 rep max)
Don’t increase the weight or reps for four weeks. One of the benefits of high-frequency training is improving central nervous system facilitation which a crucial component of improving strength and performance. In week five add ten pounds to the deadlift and one rep to each kettlebell and bodyweight exercise and stay the course for another four weeks. For more effective training programs get my ebook The Aggressive Strength Solution For Size And Strength