I started my joint venture with Mark Philippi on March 1, 2010. I am going to go through a twelve week program with Mark and then we are going to make a DVD loaded with detailed instructional material as well as several actual workouts. That is the basic idea and I am sure it will take form as I go through the program.
I wanted first hand experience with Mark’s training methods so that I have a clear idea on what to do with the DVD and also how to market it. Moreover, it is an incredible learning experience to be able to work with an expert like Mark.
The focus of the 12-week program is going to be strength, improved physique composition, and conditioning. Mark’s wife Tracey is an expert nutritionist and is also going to weight in with her input on my nutrition program. I sent her a sample of what I eat each week and she was impressed with my diet. She was also of course surprised as not too many people (okay none!) that come through Mark’s place are on a strict vegan diet!
Tracey also took some blood samples in order to do some vitamin and mineral testing. Many people, especially athletes have major imbalances from taking a lot of supplements so it will be interesting to see where I am. Once the blood work is in we will send off the results to a company called Customvite (www.customvite.com). Customvite actually makes personalized multi-vitamins based on blood work. This is something I have always wanted to test drive and I am looking forward to getting the results back. (Note, I got the results back and was only low in one vitamin: Vitamin B5. More details on the importance of Vitamin B5 below).
This is really the future of supplementation as it allows you to zero in on what you actually need rather than following a everything in the kitchen sink approach which is all to easy to fall into.
Make sure to check out Mark’s website at: Top Strength Coach and Strongman Legend Mark Philippi in Las Vegas
Here are most most recent workouts with Mark. To see my training journal from the beginning go to: http://www.mikemahler.com/journal.htm
Tuesday April 20
Exceptional workout today and this week is off to a great start. I brought my own Barbell to the gym today to test drive a few things. I have an 80lb thick bar from Ader that I prefer for overhead presses and wanted to test drive for bench pressing today as well.
We did the usual warm up and then some medicine ball throws to fire up the CNS. We started off with Barbell Military Presses today. I did a clean to get the bar in position and then did all of the reps. I prefer this than taking the bar off of the racks to start the set.
I did 1x5x130, 1x3x145, 1x3x155, 1x4x175 (PR for me with a thick barbell)
Next was the bench press with the Ader 80lb thick bar instead of a regular 45lb barbell. I did
1x5x130,lx5x170, 1x3x220, 1x3x230, 1x3x245, 1x2x260, 1x2x270, 1x2x280. Felt really good on these and I am confident that I am back up to bench pressing 300lbs. I think I could have done 300-310 today.
In between each set I did Barbell Good Mornings 1x5x135, 1x5x155, 1x5x185, 1x5x195, 1x5x205. These felt great and my hamstrings were fried afterwards.
Then close grip Bench press 2x8x220lbs
In between each set back extensions 2×10
Next up was Power Plate Pushups for time 3×60 seconds sets. Each rep was done slow and controlled with a pause on the bottom of each rep.
In between each set I did lateral raises 1x10x25s, 1x10x30s, 1x10x35s
We did some t-bar rotation presses for the core to finish off the workout
I threw in some KB snatch work to wrap up a great workout:
One-arm KB Snatch 3×10 each side (88lb bell) felt light and effortless
Monday April 19
Training with Mark just keeps on getting better every week. I had another great training session today and was paired up with UFC fighter Dale Hartt. We did lots of leg work today and upper body pulling motions
We started with the usual warm up consisting of squats, lunges and torso work. Then we moved on to hang cleans.
Barbell Hang Clean: 135×3, 155×3, 175×3, 195x3x2 (getting better at these)
Barbell Squat 135×5, 225×5, 275×2, 300×2, 320×2, 340×2 (squats felt great and I am getting much better. I should be able to do 405lbs by the end of the program)
In between each set I did Pull-ups with a two-second hang at the bottom of each rep. 4×5
The next super set was:
Barbell Lunges 4×5 each side (125lbs)
Barbell Bent-over Row 1x5x195, 3x4x237lbs (rows felt very strong!)
Next super set was:
Prowler pushes 4×25 yards (270lbs on)
Dumbbell Hammer Curls 1x5x55s, 1x5x60s, 2x5x65s
Ended the workout with one set of KB Snatch work
One-arm KB Snatch 1×10 each side (88)
Stretched out and called it a day.
To see my training journal from the beginning go to: http://www.mikemahler.com/journal.htm
I will be on Super Human Radio Tomorrow April 22 at 1pm pacific time

I will be discussing the growth of the modern day kettlebell movement and the different applications of kettlebell training. If time permits we will also talk about natural hormone optimization and my new book “Live Life Aggressively! What Self-help Gurus Should Be Telling You”
The show will air live at 1pm pacific time. You can listen to it live by going to SHOUTcast.com: you can listen on iPhone and Blackberry by downloading the FREE SHOUTcast app and searching for the Super Human Channel. You can also go to SHOUTcast.com on your computer and search for the Super Human Channel and then click the Tune In tab
Or you can go to SuperHumanRadio.com and press the play button on the Listen Live NOW player at the top of the page.
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