I want to combine barbell work with kettlebells to get bigger and stronger. What do you recommend?
I have written many articles on this topic such as: http://mikemahler.com/articles-videos/kettlebell-training/the-kettlebell-and-barbell-solution-for-size-and-strength-part-2
You may also be interested in what I am doing currently. I am following a killer program from strength coach Matt Kroc for Deadlifts and I also use the same program for barbell squats. I do deadlifts on Saturday and barbell squats on Wednesday. Check out the program at: https://www.t-nation.com/training/simple-deadlift-program
At the end of each workout I do 3×25 on double kettlebell swings outside the feet utilizing 70s or 79s with 60-90 second breaks.
During the day I do sets of double kettlebell presses with 84lb kettlebells with at least an hour in between each set. Recently, I started completing sets of three through out the day for a total of five sets. If the last rep feels easy, I add a rep the following week. I am up to sets of 6 now. When I work up to sets of 9, I will move up to 88lb bells and start over at three reps per set. Frequent pressing really dials in technique and I have also found I need to do pressing more often to improve unlike deadlifts which I prefer to do infrequently.
For midsection work I do 3×15 on hanging leg raises after barbell squats and dragon flags (dragon flag demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UyFupF0xQI at 3×6 on Deadlift days). Make sure to do controlled negatives on both exercises (especially hanging leg raises) to derive the greatest benefit.
On two other days I incorporate sprinting to ramp up conditioning.
I am interested in incorporating sprinting into my workouts. How should I get started?
Start off with just a few runs to get used to it such as a total of four all out fifty-yard sprints two times per week such as Monday and Thursday. Make sure to do joint mobility work before each session. I have a good follow along JM program at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNtS4SHiQrI
I prefer to run on a grassy field and generally do sprinting workout early in the day on an empty stomach. The first two runs should be warm-ups to get into the groove and then ramp up the intensity thereafter. Each run should be a maximum effort. If you’re not breathing hard at the end of each run then it wasn’t an all out effort.
Make sure to study good running technique to avoid knee and ankle issues.
I find sprinting to be an incredible mood booster and outstanding for physique composition goals as well. I use Bas Rutten’s O2 trainer when sprinting to further enhance respiratory benefits: http://www.o2trainer.com/o2-trainer.html
Do you have any tips to get more green in the diet?
Buy a big container of mixed greens and add a handful to protein shakes two times per day. I also like to stir fry meals and then place on top of a bed of mixed greens for dinner. Next, I juice cucumber, celery, and kale each morning and add it to my morning shake. Finally, I really like a green powder called Vitamineral green and add a tablespoon to protein shakes two times per day. Check it out at: http://www.vitacost.com/healthforce-nutritionals-vitamineral-green-powder-10-6-oz-1