Leading hormone optimization expert Dr. Mark Gordon returns to discuss the following
- Why everyone should be taking zinc ionophores to protect against viruses
- The best zinc ionophores on the market
- The benefits of DHEA for the immune system
- The benefits of Vitamin D for protection against COVID
- The benefits of testosterone cream for women and the ideal delivery avenues
- Thinking about using Propecia for hair loss or prostate issues? You may want to think again
- The best way to use Clomid for a natural testosterone boost
- What both testosterone and DHEA do to help with muscle-building *How to mitigate the negatives of alcohol consumption
- Why Dr. Gordon’s energy supplements are so effective
- An update on all the amazing work Dr. Gordon is doing to help soldiers with TBI and PTSD via https://www.waftbi.org/our-team
- For more info on Dr. Gordon, go to http://www.tbimedlegal.com