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10 effective tips to support hormone optimization

  • Poor digestion is one of the primary reasons for a disastrous hormonal profile including low testosterone levels. If you have poor digestion you fail to extract optimal nutrition to energize ideal hormone levels. Of course, food choices are what matters the most. However, eating quickly often leads to poor digestion no matter how healthy your choices are so slow down and take your time instead of using the vacuum cleaner technique at meals. Probiotics, glutamine, digestive enzymes, and ginger can also help with gut issues and in turn, improve digestion. Also, the peptide BPC-157 is incredible for rejuvenating gut health. It is also one of the few peptides that has an effective oral option. I get peptides at Peptide Sciences  BPC-157 can also be effective for improving recovery from injuries. 
  • Adequate levels of the minerals zinc and magnesium are crucial for efficacious testosterone levels and an ideal testosterone-to-estrogen ratio. Zinc is a mild aromatase inhibitor to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen while magnesium can increase DHEA and free testosterone levels. Hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds are both high in zinc and magnesium. In addition, black beans and cacao are also loaded with magnesium. Magnesium glycinate and magnesium threonate are excellent options. However, I prefer transdermal magnesium which is available in my Aggressive Strength Recovery Oil 
  • Every time you have a poor night of sleep you miss out on an opportunity to produce testosterone, improve insulin and leptin sensitivity, and keep cortisol and adrenaline hormones in check. Read for a few hours before bedtime to fatigue the mind and improve sleep quality. Watching TV or wasting time looking at nonsense on social media for a few hours before bedtime has the opposite effect. Magnesium an hour before bedtime is a natural muscle relaxant and definitely increases deep sleep. Long walks after dinner are also great to improve digestion and reduce anxiety so when you’re finally ready to sleep you actually fall asleep instead of tossing and turning for hours. 
  • One effective method to improve leptin and insulin sensitivity (both are master control hormones that affect other hormones such as testosterone and GH) is to take long stretches between meals such as 5-6 hours. This will also improve digestion and fat loss as well. Have a balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates and you will be satiated for many hours. I generally have two main meals per day. I have a power shake in the morning and a large dinner. The best supplements for improving leptin and insulin sensitivity are Berberine (Toniq brand), Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg brand), and R Lipoic Acid (Life extension brand). You don’t need to take all three and of the three Berberine is by far my favorite. It works just as well as the drug Metformin without the negative impact on gut health, B-12 depletion, and reduced testosterone production. Berberine and ACV have the added benefit of improving HDL cholesterol and reducing triglycerides.
  • Selenium is an important mineral for optimal testosterone levels. Just one Brazil nut has about 50mcg of selenium and 2-4 Brazil nuts per day will supply optimal selenium levels for most. Selenium is also crucial for thyroid function, healthy hair and nails, and a fortified immune system. 
  • According to anti-aging expert Dr. Thierry Hertoghe, high consumption of alcohol, coffee, and tea causes prostate hypertrophy by excessively increasing estrogen levels. In my opinion, no more than four cups of coffee per day should not be an issue and the same goes for tea. As for alcohol, if you have low testosterone and high estrogen levels, you should cut out consumption 100% until the issues are resolved. Alcohol converts testosterone to estrogen and has a negative impact on insulin sensitivity. Moreover, alcohol has a tendency to make men very emotional and have illusions of grandeur as well. For insurance against estrogen dominance make sure to use EC-Estrogen Control 
  • While heavy lifting can increase testosterone and growth hormone the increase is short-lived and does not last long enough to have immense benefits. You need optimal testosterone and growth hormone levels to get the most out of your workouts rather than having the illusion that you can optimize both anabolic hormones by engaging in physical training. Keep workouts under an hour to avoid a depletion in testosterone and growth hormone and an increase in cortisol. 
  • Incorporate interval training into your regimen. Interval training is fantastic for improving insulin sensitivity, glucose disposal, obliterating anxiety, and supporting heart health. Sprinting is one of my favorite forms of interval training. Run fifty yards walk back to the starting point and repeat for several rounds. I also enjoy interval training on an elliptical machine as there is no impact which is perfect if you have any knee issues. Several rounds of one minute at a high pace followed by one minute at a moderate pace for a total of 20-30 minutes a few times per week is very effective. 
  • Prioritize restoration by getting recovery massages often, ensuring sleep is high quality, and engaging in stress management activities such as walking, tai chi, chi-kung, yoga, and daily joint mobility Joint Mobility Workout I go for two-hour walks with my high-energy dogs Reyna and Rumi every day and not only does it help with active recovery from intense training sessions, it is an incredible mood booster. I always experience a reduction in anxiety. 

  • Take advantage of natural testosterone boosters. While many with good reason are very skeptical regarding the efficacy of natural testosterone boosters, ASTB is the one that actually works. It has been on the market for eleven years and is by far my best seller. Take a look at the testimonials on the ASTB info page. No other natural testosterone booster comes close. By the time you get into your 30s, your testosterone levels are alrighty declining and for some, it is a rapid decline. I get messages from men regularly in their early 30s that are suffering from low testosterone levels and are considerably below the low end of optimal which is around a total of 650 ng/dl and free of 95 pg/ml. If your sex drive is abysmal, your mood is off, your training progress has come to a screeching halt, and everything seems difficult, it is time to prioritize improving your testosterone levels.


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